Chapter 3: The Confrontation

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Author's Note: Hope you like the video! And the picture is Felicity-Arrow (Olicity) and Caitlin-Flash (Snowbarry)!

Not mine. I didn't draw or make the videos. You can watch them on YouTube as well or view them on Twitter.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Flash or the video or photo above. If I did own the Flash, Grant would only have shirtless scenes and Snowbarry would have become cannon in Season 1 cause SNOWBARRY is freaking awesome!!!

Warnings: No hate or calling people racist for shipping SB, you will be reported!


Language: English

Rating: T

Pairings: SNOWBARRY, Olicity, Westhawne, etc.

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Chapter 3: The Confrontation

Barry's POV

I can't believe Caitlin didn't tell me. Why would she hide this from me? Does she hate me? Or worse is she scared of me?

I don't think I could handle that. Not having Caitlin in my life, I can't even imagine that. She's the one person I can talk to and be myself with. She's the one person who really knows me now and the one person I can tell anything and everything to.

She knows how I feel. She's suffered losses. She's fought and she's worked. She understands me.

She really knows me and I can tell her anything, whether it's serious or funny. I can't do that with anyone else - Cisco doesn't like doing the deep stuff and Iris doesn't really know about me being the Flash so she doesn't understand.

Caitlin is the one that's always there for me. Can I handle losing her?

No. No. I can't.

But I can't be around her without her knowing that I know. We need to talk about this. Now!

Caitlin's POV

Does Barry know? How could he have found out? What must he think of me? He thinks I hate him, but I don't. He's so wrong. It's entirely different. The truth is...

I like him.

And that's why he can't find out. Because I like him and he loves Iris. Even though it hurts me to see him fawn over her and she doesn't deserve it. She doesn't deserve him.

I don't think I deserve him but it doesn't mean I don't want him. It doesn't mean I don't need him.

Because I do. God help me, I do.

Maybe I should clear my head and with I head to Central City Park.

Barry's POV

I race over to Caitlin's usual working space and I can't find her. I search every inch of STAR Labs and I can't find her anywhere.

I run without thinking and slam into the desk. I groan and then sigh. Doctor Wells enters the room and looks at me, "What's wrong Barry?"

"Nothing. I just... I can't find Caitlin. And I really need to find her. It's really important."

"Oh. She's at Central City Park, at least that's what she said when she left. But Barry-," I race off to Central City Park, his voice fading into the distance, "-what could be so important?"

Once I reach the park I look around and see the beautiful scenery. I search for Caitlin across the park. I spot her smiling and feeding the ducks. She's wearing her black pencil skirt with a sleeveless red blouse. She looks absolutely breathtaking... Wait what?

I mean I know Caitlin's gorgeous, any man would be blind not to see that but I thought I loved Iris.

I mean I do love Iris, don't I?

3rd Person POV

"Hey," A familiar voice says to Caitlin. She freezes up before turning around and coming face to face with Barry Allen.

"H-hi Barry," Caitlin stutters. She sees the look on his face and she doesn't need to ask him because she knows he knows. But she asks him anyway. "So you know, huh?"

He looks down at his before replying, "Yes. How could you not tell me Cait? Don't you trust me?. He looks hurt and sad.

"Of course I trust you Barry. I just-"

"You just what Caitlin?"

"I just can't feel these things about you! Okay Barry? You're in love with Iris and I'm supposed to be mourning Ronnie! Nothing like this is supposed to happened between us!"

Barry looks at Caitlin shocked. He knew that she kissed him back but he never thought that she would have feelings for him.

"Just answer me one thing?"

"Anything Barry."

"Did you like it?" Barry asks, a slight blush creeping up on his face.

"Like what?" Caitlin asks confused.

"The kiss. Did you like it? Did you like it when he kissed you or well when I kissed you?"

Caitlin hesitates before answering, "Yes. I liked it. I liked it a lot. Because... because I thought it was you."

Caitlin looks down at her black heels with a bright red blush on her face.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Barry asks out of the blue. "What?" Caitlin asks shocked.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Barry repeats the question, stepping closer to her with every word.

Caitlin thinks she shouldn't do it. She shouldn't tell him but she can't seem to stop herself. She gulps and nods.

Barry places his hands on her waist and pulls her closer to him before smashing his lips with hers.

Her arms wrap around his neck. His one hand stays placed on her waist and his other hand cups her cheek.

The kiss is magical. It feels like everything stops. They both moan into the kiss. Barry bites Caitlin's lip and grips her tighter.

Her hands mess up his hair and she feels ecstasy. Just being in his arms is amazing. She wouldn't trade this for the world.

Things were getting pretty heated and volatile. Thank God there was no one in the park!

They broke apart and the rain fell down on them. Showering them. They both look up and laugh. Their eyes lighting up. Barry smiles at Caitlin and moves a piece of hair from her face, before cupping her face and kissing her once again.

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Comment and Vote if you want more. Please share if you like it. You're welcome to DM ideas or comment them.

Thanks for reading :)


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