Chapter 4: Barry the Pizza Delivery Man

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Barry and Caitlin stand in the rain with their lips attached to each other until Barry's phone rings. Barry ignores it but the person calls back. Caitlin, realising it was Cisco's ring tone, broke their kiss and looked up into his brown eyes. "Answer it, it might be an emergency."

Barry reluctantly pulls his phone out of his pocket and answers the call. Cisco hurriedly explains the new villain on the loose and the fact that the villain is nearing STAR Labs.

Barry looks at Caitlin apologetically before kissing the top of her head and running to STAR Labs.

Caitlin smiles, reliving the kisses they shared, before shaking her head like a silly school girl. She gets in her car to head home to get new clothes but not before checking in with Cisco to see if she would be needed at STAR Labs.

Cisco told her the villain had been taken care of but Barry had to rush to a few crime scenes of the normal variety. Caitlin has a relaxing bath and is about to order pizza when there's knock at her door.

She opens the door to find Barry with a pizza box in one hand and a bottle of coke in the other hand. The bottle slips out of his hands and almost hits the ground before he uses super speed to catch it. He grins at her sheepishly. "So can I come in, Doctor Snow?"

"That depends Mr Allen," Caitlin says teasingly, "Is that a Chicken Tikka pizza?"

"Of course it is!" Barry replies with mocking shock.

"Well then I welcome you to my humble abode," She smiles brightly before nervously taking in her surroundings. She usually kept things neat but she was busy the entire week so her apartment was in a state.

Barry notices the change in her demeanour and immediately realises the reason for it. He tidies up the apartment in super speed before returning to where he was standing.

Caitlin looks at him surprised. "How did you know?" She asks curiously. "I know you Cait... I know these little things bother you," Barry tells her gently while gazing into her eyes. "Thank you," She smiles at him.

Barry is the first to break the silence but as words begin to leave his mouth, she presses her lips onto his. She pulls away a few moments later with her eyes wide. "Sorry I shouldn't have-" She begins, remembering that they haven't talked about their kiss. "We should talk," She says in a clear voice and leads them to the couch. They both begin eating their pizza.

"I think this is the part of the talking where words are spoken," Barry says jokingly and Caitlin sends him a playful glare. "We're scientists, we solve this," Caitlin saves firmly, "The first step is to-" "State the facts," Barry says finishing her sentence.

Caitlin begins stating a fact, followed by Barry and so they begin again.

"Fact 1 We Kissed."

"Fact 1 We made out," Barry corrects her.

She makes no move to correct him and carries on. "Fact 2 We're best friends and co-workers."

Barry knows this is getting them nowhere, he needs to break the ice.

"Fact 3 you still have feelings for Ronnie." Caitlin flinches at Ronnie's name but makes no move to correct him.

"Fact 4 you still have feelings for Iris." Barry stiffens at her name but does not correct Caitlin.

"Fact 5 I really wanted to kiss you," Barry says boldly. Caitlin looks up at him, surprised that he really wanted to kiss her. It wasn't just a whim.

"Fact 6 I really want to kiss you right now," Barry says during Caitlin's silence, stealing her turn to state a fact. He looks at her face searching for permission.

She doesn't say anything but she inches herself closer to him.

He passionately kisses her, letting their tongues tango and lips mash together. He nibbles on her bottom lips and does not miss the noises she makes when his body is pressed against hers.

And so their conversation lay forgotten in a mass of kisses until sleep took them both.

Thank you all so much for reading and voting and leaving comments on the book and my profile and direct messaging me :) I love hearing from you guys and seeing how much you guys want me to continue this book I wrote another chapter... I'm not sure how good it is, I feel like it's not my best X_X so please comment and tell me what you think...

I have a few ideas for the next chapter, vote for your favourite...
1) Caitlin and Barry become friends with benefits before realising they're falling in love with each other.
2) They decide to start dating casually without telling anyone and fall in love.
3) They decide they're better off as friends and slowing fall for one another.

Note: All of these choices will have some obstacles :)

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