Old Friends - Chapter IX

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Darkness from the night sky had created an unsettling veil on his home. Anakin's lightsaber erupted into
the room, the air splitting as it made way for the saturated blue which ripped from its silver hilt. His eyes pierced through his surroundings, attentive; cautious. His grip tightened as his mind fixated on the moment, waiting, watching...

He could hear a small breath, he could feel a presence, miniscule, but strong. This spectre was strong in the force, Anakin could sense it...


Anakin was shifted; his emotions ran wild - was it really her? Had she finally come back after all this time?

His beam descended back into its hilt.

"Hello Anakin..."

She stepped from the shadows, removing her hood and revealing her face. It was Ahsoka, Anakin's old apprentice. She could feel his anxiety, his surpise, but she mostly felt... His pain.

"I... What are you doing here Ahsoka? Have you come back for good? Have you come back to the je-"

"Anakin please!"

She gestured her hand towards him, implying him to silence.

"I have to deliver a message and this message i know only you will do right with... I've been watching the CIS for some time now, and a few informants have alerted me to something that is of serious importance. The CIS are planning to kidnap the Chancellor - and they are going to do it soon."

"Ahsoka, how did you hear about this? Who did you hear this from?"

Anakin paused, he knew he wouldn't get a response.

"You've grown up so much Ahsoka... You could have learned so much from me... Why did you leave me?"

He felt a great sadness, the words fell from his mouth and with it, came a deep sorrow. He missed her, she was family to him.

Her eyes widened, she stared at him with a strong gaze, but she could not hide the disappointment she felt she had become to him.

"Goodbye Anakin... I have already learned so much from you... And we shall never meet again, i'm sorry."

She leapt from his walkway and fell into the Coruscant skyline, disappearing within the flow of traffic.


Anakin felt a tear down his face, it crept between the indents of his skin and fell to the ground. He felt responsible for it all... If the Jedi Order had just placed more trust in him, in her... Maybe this could have been avoided.

He fell against a nearby wall, the concrete provided him a needed comfort, his back rested, and shuffled himself into a ball. He needed a moment to think, to bring himself together...


Padme's voice caressed his ears, and he felt safety within his own arms.

"Anakin, have you been there all night?"

She nudged him with her foot to get his attention.

"Wait.. What?"

Anakin woke up to a gleaming sun and a curious wife before him. His hand did its best to break the intensity but the light still burst through every millimetre he left exposed.

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