Nightmares - Chapter IV

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For a world of lights, Coruscant was surprisingly dark at night. The sky was loitered with stars, each potently beaming down towards Coruscant’s cityscape. Although the night is usually the time most of the crime is committed, it seemed to feel the most peaceful – the belly of this planet in the day was usually convulsing with multiple ships, speeders, and people. At night, however, the planet was as peaceful as it could be; ships were not fixed behind each other, and it almost felt as if it was a lot more easier, to just *move*, or so Anakin thought anyway. He enjoyed the night-time journeys; they were without commotion, and about the only time Anakin really ever had to himself – he was always busy fighting wars and settling matters with the Council that he forgot the luxury of just having a few moments to himself, to relax. As Anakin had a few minutes before he reached his destination, he decided to put the starfighter into auto-pilot (allowing R2 control) and take the time to just lean back, and engulf himself within the city landscape.

When Anakin reached his destination, although it was at Padme’s home, he felt a tiny bit of disappointment he couldn’t stay in the ship a bit longer. He landed the starfighter on the extended landing pad, and before opening the cockpit’s canopy, he took a breath; to bring himself to the moment – he opened the canopy few moments after, and was greeted by a gleeful Padme,

“Oh Anakin I’ve been waiting for you.” She whispered in his ear as she pulled him towards her to hold.

“Do not fear my love, I am here now.” Anakin said, bluntly and fairly monotone.

“What’s wrong, Ani? Something is up.” Padme ushered, with worry in her voice.

“Nothing Padme, it’s nothing.” Anakin escalated, prior to his previous words.

“Anakin, you’re shutting me out, don’t do that; I know you. I know something is wrong… Tell me my love.” Padme did her best to reassure Anakin, hoping that his empathy would take sight to her silent plea.

“I’m sorry my love, I’m frustrated, with the Council. Someone else is fighting the campaign I should rightfully be leading. It’s dishonest and unfair. It makes me feel uneasy that someone else is leading my 501st, especially after what happened that time in the outer rim, with Krell – I lost nearly a quarter of my men in that putrid meat sack’s attempt to enforce Separatist rule. Not only that, but another Jedi will be claiming a victory that I *rightfully* deserve.” Anakin died down a little bit now, and wasn’t nearly as aggravated as he wants a few moments ago; talking to Padme and shifting the burden made him feel a little better.

“Sometimes, Ani, we must let go of our pride, and do what is requested of us.”

“Didn’t I tell you that before we went to Naboo? When you was packing prior?”

“Yes you did – apply it Anakin, help yourself here.”

Anakin knew Padme was right, even though he wouldn’t admit it. Instead, he rested his head against hers for a moment,

“You’re so… beautiful.”

Padme looked him in the eyes, but said nothing, no words needed to be spoken – it would ruin the moment. In place of words, she traded with a kiss, a passionate, long kiss that left them both engulfed within each other. The perfect setting, a Coruscant night-sky, the perfect view from the landing pad, it wasn’t Naboo, but it was as good as Coruscant could be. Padme then held Anakin’s hand and lead him to the bedroom, in which they basked in each other’s love and lust, and shared a fateful night together.

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