Across the Stars - Chapter VI

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Morning had arrived on Naboo. It was welcomed with the scent of Nabooian flowers, blossoming in its light. The rays of light crept their way slowly into the lake retreat and through the open window of the Senator's room, where Anakin and Padme lay in waiting, for the sun's delicate kiss, to awaken them from their slumber. The fateful night they shared prior was a passionate and lustful one, and Anakin felt closer to Padme every time he embraced her. He took noticed to her every detail, the dark colour of her hair, the way it would slyly creep down her face, and cover her eyes, which engulfed him with every gaze, leaving him enraptured in her beauty. Her delicately small fingers, which held ever so tightly on to him. Anakin was sure, that Padme would be the one and only lady he would ever love, and he was sure, she was the one who would always hold his heart, and he would live by her side, or die at her feet.

The sun had finally disrupted the pair and their perfect slumber, and a disgruntled Anakin was overwhelmed by it's brightness - so much so, his only relief from its potency was to burrow himself under his pillow (although this came to no avail, as Anakin had become restless now, and couldn't set his mind to peace).

'I grew up under two suns, and I can't even deal with one, ironic' Anakin thought to himself, amused.

Anakin decided that if he was going to have to wake up, he would make sure Padme enjoyed her sleep; so he crept stealthily to the open window, and dragged the large, red and gold curtain to a close, which plunged the room into a tranquil darkness. Anakin's next course of action was to make sure Padme had something nice to wake up to, and so he thought a breakfast-in-bed was a good option, besides, who doesn't like breakfast in bed?

Padme had ordered their section of the retreat closed unless there was an emergency, to avoid rousing any suspicion when Anakin would leave his room to go to hers. Anakin grabbed his robe from the Senator's floor, put it on and pushed the hood over his head. He then made his way out of the room, and down the beautifully decorated corridor until he met its end, to which, once opening the door that was there, was greeted by the retreat's security.

"Good morning, we hope you enjoyed your sleep. Is there any service we can provide?" Grunted the security officer, in an authoritative manner.

"The Senator... Is hungry; she asked for breakfast..." Anakin questioned, hoping that he could get away with not making the breakfast, but taking the credit.

"Er... Of course, it will be done right away" replied the officer, puzzled by the request.

25 minutes later, the official paced steadily up the stairs, and halted in front of Anakin, who met him with a grin.

"Here you go sir, just as you requested"

"Thank you, I will deliver this to the Senator immediately." Anakin mumbled, and dismissed himself with a nod.

Anakin felt a sense of accomplishment; using wit, he managed to get away with making breakfast.

"Genius" He whispered to himself, in thought.

He opened the door to Padme's bedroom with ease, in a prevention of waking her. He opened to the sight of her, innocently sprawled between her covers, breathing silently and calmly, her skin glowing from the sun. Anakin was completely captivated by her, and was completely immersed in her beauty; he knew of nothing or no where, that he would rather see, than the beauty of the Senator, who lay so peacefully. Anakin placed the tray of food on the desk in the room, and crawled into the bed next to his wife.

"Wake up, my beautiful." Anakin whispered gently into Padme's ear, to which she responded by murmuring and feeling for his hand, which she wanted to hold.

"Good morning my love." Padme responded, with a slight smile that Anakin had almost grown as fond of as his own.

"I made you breakfast..." Anakin attempted to ruse, bringing over the tray as she shifted herself up.

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