Arrival on Naboo - Chapter V

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Padme, and her stowaway husband in the cargo hold, had finally reached their destination; Naboo. Homeworld to the senator, and the Chancellor Palpatine, the Nabooian people were humble, much like the planet itself - which was lush with life, be it the Gungan or Theed people, the picturesque waterfalls, the beautiful meadows, and the huge green landscapes, Naboo was in abundance of it all. Naboo was truly, a beautiful retreat, in every sense of the word.

Padme's chrome-styled ship made for the closest dock to her lake-side retreat, a grand villa she had always had just in case an emergency called her to Naboo, be it similar to previous situations (like her assassination attempt before the Clone Wars). It was just short of a palace, in size - but its decoration and architecture matched any prestigious palace, and was fit enough for any royalty to reside comfortably within. The gardens were huge, and were bloated with well-trimmed hedges and fountains; these gave a very fresh sense to the gardens, and kept a natural feeling of things.

Padme and Anakin had finally landed at the dock, and Anakin crawled out of the cargo hold, stretching and groaning whilst doing so.

"Oh I hate that cargo hold."

"Maybe I should lock you in there more often, get you off my back..." Padme humoured, smiling and laughing as she did so.

"Well I would hope your cargo hold would be a match for a Jedi's lightsaber... and I would hope you would be too..." Anakin retorted, laughing and grabbing Padme, before he held her off her feet within his arms.

The pair, once stopping their playful endeavour, paused and smiled for a moment, before lowering the landing ramp and grabbing there gear, ready to depart for the retreat. Anakin had noticed the absence of his hooded civilian robe, which he would need if he was not to rouse... attention. Once he had found his robe, and flicked his hood up, the pair, accompanied by R2-D2, made their way through the Theed centre, which was convulsing with life. The city lanes were decorated with beautiful marble, much like the beige, dome-like buildings that were parallel each side of the lanes. Naboo has clearly flourished from joining the Republic - its commerce was booming, its architecture, sensual and lucid, which the Nabooian Sun does well to compliment; illuminating the architecture overwhelmingly.

Once Anakin and Padme had managed to clear themselves of the crowded city, they had managed to find a clear route to the docks, which had a boat waiting for them both to take them to the retreat. It was clear from observation, that the capital city of Theed was the true sole interest of Naboo; once you distanced yourself far enough from it, everything began to down-grade and become much more rural, resembling more traditional and natural types of architecture, rather than the glamorous type of the Nabooian capital.

This wasn't a negative thing ofcourse; Anakin was constantly in glamorous city settings, so the Nabooian capital did little to overwhelm him, instead, it was actually the rural landscape that caught him a little off guard; for Anakin, the lack of industry and mechanical facility came as an eye-pleasuring comfort, it was very rare to see such a thing in this era. As they arrived at the docks, and climbed into their boat, they began sailing for the retreat, Anakin took time to notice the small details; the beautiful colour of the lake - a gorgeous fine blue which was so clear you could see almost straight to the bottom. The fish that inhabited this lake represented the lake's beauty with their own. There were no repulsive looking sealife, instead, there were fish with golden scales, beautiful maroon scales, and lucid green; for someone who was raised on Tatooine, Anakin was engulfed by this beautiful planet, something he most certainly didn't have the luxury of back 'home'.

"Ani... Wake up, we're here"
Padme ushered into Anakin's ear.

Anakin hadn't even realised he slept, and clearly Naboo's omnipotent beauty provided him with a sense of tranquility, enough for his body to admit it was physically drained. Regardless, he shifted himself up, Padme's eyes fixed upon him. Anakin went to place his hand on her face, but realised he needed to facade his emotion, instead, he replaced the intended physical affection, with a mental one; and just gave her a potent and benevolent look, one which Padme understood, which she reciprocated with an equal gaze, and a beautiful smile.

Anakin and Padme climbed from the boat, Anakin climbed out first, and turned, holding his hand out in promotion of etiquette, to which Padme replied with placing her smaller, soft hand in his; allowing him to help her out of the boat. She greeted his etiquette further with a slight bow,

"Thank you." Padme whispered
"Anything for a Senator" Anakin humoured, followed by the common brash smile he was so fond of.

Anakin and Padme were escorted by the retreat security along a cobbled path, spored with flowers and to each side of the pathway for every few-hundred yards, loitered impeccably designed limestone statues influenced with marble. The path revealed a garden opening, to which, was encased with expertly trimmed hedges - this retreat was a true example, of the privileges that come with wealth and power, to which Anakin, even though bewildered and amazed, could not help but slightly resent, for he was no where near as fortunate. The garden as expected, was detailed with multiple ornaments; fountains, statues, pathways, gloriously arranged. A dark-brown, smokey wooden door lead to the end of the little expedition, and it opened to reveal more security, who greeted Padme with a loyal bow, and Anakin with an authoritive, respectful nod.

"Welcome, miss Amidala, it is a pleasure to be in your service. You do not have to worry for your safety, our men will take care of you." The captain said prestigiously.

"Not to worry, Captain, i trust you will work to your reputation. I will leave the security details to you."

"Miss Amidala, who is your companion? Please do not regard me as imposing, I ask merely under an issue of security."

"This is... My personal advisor, and has as much pass and privilege as i, understood?

"Ofcourse, miss Amidala."
The security officer and his detail gave a final salute before they dismissed themselves, and this was met with a formal bow from both Senator and Jedi.

It had become night-time on Naboo; and Anakin, leaning on the gold-infused balcony, had a moment to himself again. As always, the stars, an illustrious pattern on the night blanket, revealed themselves ever so omnipotently to the young Jedi - making him feel so miniscule, in galaxy so vast. He looked up at them and gazed, for a few minutes, before his wife entered the room.

"Always looking at the stars, as if one planet isn't enough." Humoured Padme.

"When i was on Tatooine, looking towards the stars was the only comfort I had. It helped me dream of lives that were all better than my own, better than the life me and... My mother, shared." Anakin confided, making himself think about that time a little more, and his mother...

"I'm sorry, Anakin..." Padme whispered, as she approached him, and rested her face on him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for my love, if anything, i should be thanking you... You gave me something to love again, in a galaxy that is so absent of it..."

Anakin and Padme shared a gaze upon the stars, which followed by a gaze at each other, in which, like the stars, which perfected this scene, of the two who were eternally in love, they both felt so minuscule in the presence of eachother...

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