An Introduction

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Author's Note: (haha, I know I can't exactly be classed as an author)

So basically this is a story of Hetalia characters as Power Rangers. (I'm surprised you're still reading) There will be action!!! There will be badass ass kickin'!!!!!! And there will be humour!!! (I hope)

So first things first. If you haven't watched Hetalia you definitely should because if not, then you probably will have no clue of what's going on, but don't worry, I won't either. But seriously though if you haven't watched you should go watch it. Like now. I mean right now. No seriously GO WATCH IT NOW!!!!

Anyway I decided to finally start writing something cause I thought that  I might as well ruin my reputation before I build one.This plot is completely dedicated to two great friends of mine. emmarowlette  &  neko_is_a_dumb (I'm sorry). And to answer you're questions, cause I'm sure you have many, Yes, every character will be a different colour Power Ranger. I will try my best to keep their personalities as they are in the original series. 

In dialogue there will be a lot, and I mean A LOT of spelling mistakes because I'm gonna write how they speak as they sound cause of their accents.(Did that make sense?? No. Anyway, you'll see what I mean)

WARNING!!  Before you continue, There will be action.There will be bullshit quality from the start and throughout. This is nothing but pure comedy so don't take this seriously :P And there will most likely be swearing.

P.S: I do not own any characters whatsoever. For now anyway. Who knows maybe I'll add  characters of my own?? ( hhhmmmm interesting) The only thing I own is this crappy storyline!!  

So stay tuned and updated with Wattpad because, that's right!!!, Chapter 1 is COMING SOON!!!!!!

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