That's right people. This is it. The story you've all been waiting for!!! My first story :) Hetalia characters saving the world as some sort of form of Power Rangers!! That's right, you heard me (somehow). So without further ado, I doubt this requi...
A.N: Finally!!!! I'm back bitches!! Did ya miss me? Don't answer that cause I know what you're gonna say.
So anyway, last time (which was so long ago) I introduced two more characters just to make things harder for myself. So let's see what the fuck is going on....
"Iceland??" Germany asked
"Well..... what did you expect??"
"I don't know....... some actual help"
"And are we not help, hmmm??" Neko replied sassily.
"Nein, nein you are.... but um..... maybe you could have called the police or something"
"No that wouldn't work" Neko explained
"Cause look" she said while pointing over her shoulder to Pato and CasinoGame who were in the middle of serious fangirling.
"OH MY GOD, STING!!!!!" they screeched like normal teenage girls would have for Justin Bieber.
"Yeah, that's why"
So then the three Hetalia characters and the Nerdics got ready for some serious ass-whoopin'. So Neko went to a corner and sat down.
"Eh... vhat are you doing??" Germany asked confused "Didn't you just say you were helping"
"I am helping" Neko said bluntly "You see in the Nerdics, we have a system...."
"We do??" Pato asked
"Yeah dumbass" CasinoGame said
"Oh yeah, spell system" Pato retorted
"You just...... um ....... S-I-C..... SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Pato smirked.
".... And in this system I'm the brains, CasinoGame's the bronze and Pato's just kinda there"
"I'll be there for youuu, when the rain starts to fall" Pato sang while snapping her fingers.
"No Pato, just no"
Pato sulked.
So then the five of them got to work. Iceland called on his puffin to do most of the work. Germany started meleeing the shit out them. Norway kept working the garbage disposal while Neko starred at him which such love and admiration. (Oh Elkas how I love you.... It's my OTP!!)
CasinoGame took out a football, kicked it, and it hit off the enemy like a pinball machine. And Pato was just kinda there....... but she did take pictures of Neko starring at Norway to use as proof and/or blackmail for a later date. So all was not lost.
But then in a turn of events the enemy started getting more and more powerful so they had to pull away to catch there breaths and think of a plan.
"What do we do??" Norway asked
"Anything you want!!!" Neko said before realising what the fuck she just said. Then she just blushed and hid her face with her jacket or shirt or whatever.
"Don't worry, we got this" CasinoGame said and Pato immediately understood. "It's now or never" They both walked up to the group of minions. Then they turned away for a second before turning back with....
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