Chapter 9 Part 3

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A/N- This is Part 3 of Chapter 9, the longest chapter of this whole story. I'm sorry it has taken this long to put up a chapter. I had writer's block for a while and then I was getting good ideas for other books and lost track of time with the end of the school year an all that. This was one of my favorite chapters to write out of the whole series. :)


--I guess you guys are wondering about all that random stuff about time. You'll find out later on in the book, since I did only just start this 9 chapters ago. I'm just saying that it actually has something to do with the storyline and it's not my insane creeping in.--


I hope you enjoy!




Calling the Wolves Part 3




"It's a bluebell, you know.’ A hyacintho campana similis est mediocris florem, delinifica, magicales'."


"A blue bell is like a fairy flower, enchanting, magical." I didn't know how I knew that, but I did. And I knew that the flower my mother was holding in the little worn out jar, was, in fact, a fairy flower.


I knew because I was the daughter of magic. And what I found back then was because she had shown me the dream today, and from my tear, had grown a magical flower.


Now that flower would be the answer to everything.




"This is what you have to do." My mother said, handing me the jar.


I nodded, swallowing. Bluebells are fairy instruments. Just like a howl was a wolf's song.


She bent her lips to my ear and whispered, "Your daughter might be delighted if she got to see fairy's when she goes to Avalon. Remake the fairy treaty. Let the fairy's back into Avalon, their second home."


I nodded. My mouth dry.


She lifted her head. "Do you remember why they were restricted from Avalon?" She asked me.


"People were catching them, and fairies were spelling them."


"As your first duty, please remake the treaty for me. A spell that will make it so that no person or being will ever be able to capture one. And if the treaty is signed, no fairy will be able to spell the people."


"I promise."


"I hope that next time I see you, I only have to see you just to see your face, and not to worry that you are walking into war."


"Me too." I whispered, as the dream faded.


The Wolves Book 2: Song of the WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now