Chapter 25

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(Beckett is 8 months pregnant)

Beckett pov...

I wake up in the middle of the night to a huge pain in my stomach, I realise what is going on. Castle wakes and asks "is everything alright?"
I say "I think I just went into labor"
Castle is surprised and quickly gets up. He grabs the bag that we had packed for when this happens and we both get into the car.

Castle drives up to the hospital and we rush in. We are taken to a private room and the doctor examines me and says "you are 9cm dilated so it won't be long now until it is time to push"
I lie down on the bed with Castle holding my hand so I can squeeze his when a contraction comes. Castle texts my dad, his mother, Alexis, Lanie, Ryan, Espo and Gates to let them know even though they are probably asleep as it is 2am. 

Both the twins are born before 4am and we fill out the birth certificates. We hold our children and they are so adorable, Cosmo has Ricks hair and my eyes and Johanna has my hair and Ricks eyes.

A nurse knocks on the door and says "you have some visitors" and everyone who Rick texted walk in, everyone holds both Johanna and Cosmo, they were good and slept so they weren't crying. After two hours of everyone being there they leave to give us time to rest and they will come back later on.

Authors note...
Do you want me to continue with this story?
Let me know if you have any ideas please as I am stuck on what to do.

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