Chapter 55

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Beckett pov...

We get a call about a murder at a small aerodrome. Someone went to go on a flight and found a body in the backseat.
We all head to the scene. Lanie says "COD was lack of oxygen, I can see signs of suffocation but no marks as to the cause. Victim is Irene Estes, mid thirties had her handbag with wallet and phone still inside"
Ryan and Espo go into the aero club the plane belongs to so they can interview people in their and see if they know the victim.
Castle and I go to talk to the man who found the victim.

Elliot Owens was preflighting the aircraft and was putting something on the backseat when he found the body. He was the first one from the aero club to use that plane for the day as he had to take the cover off.

We head back to the station to start going over the information and talk to the boys. I contact next of kin who is the husband Nick Estes but he is on a business trip and is out of the country and heading back as soon as he can.
Ryan tells us that the club had never heard of the victim before. They gave us records of members and everyone who had been booked in for a flight over the last week.

Lanie calls and says she has something. Castle and I go down to the morgue.
Lanie says "he died from lack of oxygen, it was caused inflight. Any flight that goes 10,000ft above the ground will lead to no oxygen being available to breathe, she wouldn't have known as it causes a condition called hypoxia when the person is happy before passing out and then death. The pilot must have had a oxygen tank and mask on to survive so it would have been planned.

Ryan and Espo go to interview the person from yesterday who was last booked on that plane. Castle looks on some plane tracking website to see if it tracked the last flight.

When the boys get back they said Ben Williams was last to fly but he used the plane outside of Lanie's estimated time of death window. Ben did see someone who was at the planes after him that he didn't recognise so he is coming in to meet with a sketch artist.

We send the sketch to the aero club and to Irene's husband and work to see if anyone recognises the woman in the sketch. We will distribute the photo and see what turns out.

Castle and I get to the station to start another day, Nick Estes is waiting for us. We go in to talk to him and he says " the sketch is of my sister Hannah"
We talk and find out that Hannah has a pilots license but hadn't had much contact with Nick since he got married. We talk about his and Irene's relationship before saying thank you and goodbye.

I get Ryan and Espo and we go to Hannah's apartment. She is there packing her stuff getting ready to leave. We bring her to the station and into interrogation. She admits that she was taking Irene for a flight just to talk but things got heated and she decided to fly higher away from weather and when Irene started acting funny she knew it was lack of oxygen and put on oxygen mask from her bag that she carries. Hannah thought it would solve her problem of being disconnected with her brother. When she landed she didn't know what to do so just left Irene there and packed up and just left.
We charge her and send her to booking. I talk to Nick about what happened and why Hannah did it.

Authors note...
Hello to anyone still reading. This has taken me way to long to update but I have been busy and forgot about this story. I am going to try and finish it, I have only a few more chapters planned before the end. Hope you enjoy.

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