Chapter 54

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Beckett pov...

Today we are having a family day out.
We head to the park to first, Martha and Alexis is there waiting for us. My dad arrives soon after and we meet the photographer. We wanted to get some nice family photos of all of us. First we all get individual photos taken. Next they take photos of Alexis, Hunter, Cosmo and Johanna together. Then they get Rick and I in with them before they get Martha and my dad to join us. Rick and I then step out so they take photos of the grandparents with the grandchildren. We get some photos of us all playing together before the session is over and the photographer leaves, he will send us a digital copy of all the photos and we can pick which ones we want printed.

Rick goes to the car and comes back with a picnic basket and blanket for us to all have a picnic lunch. We have juice and water to drink with sandwiches, fruit, biscuits and cake.

We spend the rest of the day playing at the park, we play on the playground and play some different games running around. We all spend the time with smiles on our faces and laughing. We know it's important to spend this time together, I can tell that just like me my dad is thinking about what it would be like if my mom was here with us too. Rick and I have always wanted our children to be close to each other and our family, they will always know they can trust and talk to anyone in the family.

Authors note...
Sorry this is a short chapter, I don't have the time or ideas to write much anymore. This book is coming to an end soon, it is already the longest book I have written and taken years so thank you to those who are still reading.

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