Chapter 1

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Its the day of my 16th birthday and I’m sitting on my bed in my party dress bawling my eyes out. My mom is knocking on my door, but I really don’t wanna hear her. The only person I want to speak to was my dad and of course he was gone. I lied on my bed and felt my tears rolling back to my ears

“You said you’d never leave dad… where are you?… Of all days… this is your day too… come on!” I shouted into the empty air

I dry my face, re-apply my make up and open the door. There was my mom with a worried look on her face.

“Aria are you okay?”

“Yes, Can we just go now?”

“Aria… talk to me..”

“No I don’t wanna talk to you”

She never understands that I don’t wanna talk to her. She had no idea what I’m going though, and always feels like she can relate to me. I hate it. She gives me a hard stare and watches me walk out to the limo.

“Okay Aria fine”

I went into the limo and headed off to my Sweet 16 party. I can’t help but cry in the back of the limo, the whole ride. Every year my birthday came I just never enjoyed it , how could I? I keet pulling my dress over my knees subconciously, trying to play out how this night would go in my head. Before I knew it the limo was in front of XL lounge. Everyone from my school is waiting outside. The crowd was ridiculous. My door swings open and there’s my boyfriend, Kelly standing with his hand stretched out.


I put on a fake smile and nodded. Everyone’s cheering me on as I make my elaborate and unnecessary grand entrance into my party. I took pictures ‘til I felt partial blindness in my eyes, I just want it all to be over. I quickly rush into the dressing room to change my dress and hair, my mom wanted to follow me to help me, but I really just wanted to be alone. I told her I didn’t want this stupid party anyway, she never listens…


“She hates me, I just don’t know what to do anymore” I cried as Bryan put his arm around me in attempt to calm me down

“She doesn’t hate you Layla, you gotta understand it’s Patrick’s birthday too, she’ll never get over that”

“I know, but I was hoping this party would cheer her up”

“Layla nothing could replace her dad you know how close she was to him”

“I know but… if she doesn’t come out in 10 minutes I’m cutting this night short”

“Do what you gotta do Lay… want me to talk to her?”

“Try I guess…”

Bryan slowly walks to her door and knocks

“Who is it?”

“Its Bryan! Open up”

The door cracks open, and once she saw it was him she welcomed him. She gives me a cold look and slams the door.

“Why must she hate me so much?”


“Aria what’s going on?”

“I don’t wanna be here”

“Your mom put together this beautiful party, why are you being like this?”

“Well I didn’t tell her to”

“Aria, Layla loves you, she’s only looking out for you, why are you behaving like this? I know its Patrick’s birthday, but you treat her like this everyday, she gives you everything you wan…”

“No she doesn’t, she can never give me back my dad”

“That’s not up to her Aria, you’ve been taking out your father’s death on her your whole life, I remember you used to love her at one point… what happened?”

“She doesn’t show me love, all she does is buy me things and think I’m gonna magically love her. I’m not gonna just…”

“Aria, you have NO idea what your mom has been through for you, I know more than ANYONE else that Layla loves you. You have no fucking idea”

“Bryan, I really don’t wanna know… can I just go home?”

“Wow… I wish your dad was here to see this, he’d be ashamed”

“You have no fucking idea what my dad would do Get OUT!”

She goes off on a rampage, scream, crying and throwing everything

“Aria calm down!”

I watch her come down from her anger state, and she stares at me, her eyes like wet daggers

“I can’t believe you right now”

“Bryan I just wanna go”

“Fine GO!”

She rises up from he couch and storms out of the dressing room. She grabs her boyfriend’s hand and leaves the lounge. I watch her leave, and walked back over to Layla who saw the whole thing

“I tried…”

She looks at me and lets out a big sob. I really feel bad for her….

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