Chapter 7

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2 months later


The bigger I got the more my mom became depressed and angry. She isn’t who she was a few months ago. She was excited about the baby… Now, she seems to resent me. Her and Bryan’s relationship seems to have withered away and her looks are drastically fading. She looks dull and tired.

On the bright side Kel has really stepped it up. He’s been hanging out with Bryan so I guess that’s where the charm is coming from. Part of me was feeling great, and the other part bled for my mom. I hated seeing her like this.

“Mom I’m gonna get some groceries, is there anything you want?”

“No Aria…”

“You sure?”

“I said no”

“K fine” I mumbled

I grabbed the car keys and went to pick up Kelly to help me out. When we got to the supermarket he hopped in the cart like a big ass kid. 

“Kelly if you don’t get outta there”

“No, now come on what’s on the list first?”


“Your addiction haha”

“Yes my addiction” I walked into aisle 8, grabbed 4 packs of strawberry applesauce and put them on Kel’s stomach

“Wait I haven’t seen your mom in forever… she good?”

“To be honest I don’t know what’s wrong with her, she’s just depressed and angry at me all the time, I just try to stay out of her way”

“Whoa… I wonder what triggered that?”

“I think the reality that her 16 year old daughter is giving birth soon finally hit her”

“Wow…How do you feel about that?”

“I mean I’m worried about her, but I can’t let that bring me down. I actually pretty happy with my life right now. I’m getting my daughter, I’m in love and besides I have Bryan helping me out.”

“Well that’s good you’re not letting it get to you, you really don’t need to be stressed out right now”

“That too, I can’t deal with it, I just wanna get passed these last 2 months and then deal with my mom”

“Smart thinking”

We finished up shopping and headed back to my house. My mom was sitting around the counter with an empty bottle of vodka in her hand. I wasn’t sure whether to approach her or not.

“Mom? Are you okay?… Why are you drinking? You never drink”

I stared at her expecting a response, but she didn’t answer, she just continued to look away from me

“Um Aria, I think you should stay with me tonight” Kel whispered

“I can’t leave her alone Kel, look at her”

I placed the groceries on the table and watched Kel put them away

“Kel come with me upstairs”

He put away the last of the stuff and helped me up the stairs

“What is wrong with her” He asked

“I don’t know … its crazy though”

“Aria I’m telling you come with me tonight please… Call Bryan and tell him what’s going on”

“I don’t wanna leave her”

Just then my door swung open, it was her

“You going somewhere tonight?”

“…I was… but I’m gonna stay here with you”

I watched her twirl the bottle in her hand and for the first time I felt afraid of her

“DAMMIT Aria why must you do this! Why must you make me feel like I failed as a parent!”

“What are you talking abou….”

She aimed and threw the bottle in my direction but Kel grabbed me just in time. There was broken glass all over my carpet and I accidentally stepped on a few trying to get away from her. Kelly helped me down the stairs and out to the car.

“Ahh! My feet are bleeding”

He sped off, leaving Layla in the house. We pulled up to his house and somehow he found the strength to pick me up. When we got in, he laid me on his bed and took the pieces of glass out of my feet. I was still in total shock of what happened I didn’t even feel when the alcohol was stinging the bottom of my feet. He bandaged them up and sat on the bed and hugged me

“You gotta eat something Ari, I’ll whip something up”

“Thanks” I felt my phone vibrating, it was Bryan.

“Hey Aria is Layla home? She isn’t answering her phone”

“I’m at Kel’s house”

“Okay good, is everything okay?”


“Is it the baby?”


“What happened?”

“She tried to kill me”


“She through an empty bottle of vodka at me… my feet got cut up”

“Oh my God.. I’m coming to see you right now I’m gonna cancel this session”

“No Bryan, do your work I’m okay”

“Aria no, you’re hurt I’m coming to see you”

“Alright… Thanks Bryan”

“I’ll be there soon”


“Bryan’s coming over”

“Okay cool”

He walked into the room and started rubbing my feet


“I’m sorry”

“Its okay… just rub my heels..”

“I’m so sorry you gotta go through all of this”

“I pray she doesn’t have to deal with this.” I said looking at my tummy

“Oh trust she won’t… I refuse to put my daughter through this, I don’t know how you do it”

“I don’t know Kel… it really fucking sucks..”

I felt a knot, but not in my stomach this time. It was in my throat. I officially lost control of my emotions and couldn’t hold it in any longer. The doorbell rang and Kel left me to go answer it. I heard him say a few words to Bryan then moments later Bryan came in the room and started hugging me

“It’s gonna be okay Aria, just relax, you’re safe”

I wanted to tell him it wasn’t, but I couldn’t speak… Only cry ……

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