Chapter 9

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I laid on the hospital bed while Kel held my hand. Think I might have broken his hand… Oops

“Aria must you squeeze so hard?”

“Now’s not the time!!”

“Okay fine.. ow dammit!”

“Sorry these contractions really hurt”

“I can only imagine, I can’t believe she’s almost here”

“Me either”

Another contraction came and there went Kelly’s hand

“K Aria seriously I’m gonna need to get my hand checked out after this”

“Sorry baby”

The door opened and it was Bryan with balloons and a giant teddy bear. And with him Layla. I was happy to see him, but not her.

“Aria… how are you?” Bryan asked

“Great, these contractions are killer though. My water hasn’t broke yet so we’re just waiting. If it doesn’t break the doctor will have to do it.”


“What are you doing here Layla?”

“I wouldn’t miss you giving birth to your daughter for anything Aria.. If you want me to go I’ll go”

I directed my attention back over to Bryan. I had no energy to curse her out and make her leave

“Why did you bring her?”

“Regardless she’s your mom Ari, just don’t let her being here ruin this moment”

I laid my head back on the pillow as a another contraction shot through my low abdomen

“Ok that one reeallly hurt oh my God”

“Where’s the doctor?” Kel asked

“He’s outside”

“Good cuz I need this hand iced and bandaged like ASAP”

“Kelly, tell him the pain has gotten really bad”

“Will do!”

Kel left the room to go find the doctor and I was now alone with Bryan, and Layla who was now crying, but I ignored her.

“I can’t wait til she gets here”

“Me either, she’s killing me in there good Lord”

“You’ll be fine”

“You say that now”

“Don’t worry babygirl”

“I’m just a little nervous”

Another contraction came, it was a lot quicker than my last one, 4 minutes to be exact

“Its at 4 minutes now where the hell is Kelly?”

“I’ll go find him”

“Wait no Bryan its…”

He left before I could even finish. Great now I’m stuck with Layla.

“Did Bryan make you come here?”

“Not really. I was only worried that you wouldn’t want me here”

“I kinda don’t, but if it makes you feel better then by all means…”

“I’m going to get some help”

Aria's Story (Deception Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now