Chapter Fifty: They're gone

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Draco was laying on bed, his head on Hermione's lap as she Rand her fingers through his hair repeatedly. They didn't speak, because Hermione knew he wouldn't answer and Draco wasn't going to talk about it at all, at least not now. She could feel his tears wetting her white skirt. She took a deep breath, not knowing what to do. She wanted to say something, but what was she supposed to say? She knew nothing will make him feel better.
"Where's your mother?" She asked before she could stop herself.

Draco sniffed "She lives in a house in a house in a mountain," he said quietly "It's located in Pontypridd."

"She lives alone?"

"No. There's another woman lives with her, to take care of her."

"Take care of her?"

"My mum was never the same since she got divorced.. Since the war actually."

"And.. Do you think she knows? About your father?"

"No. And she must not." he got up

"What is it?"
Did she say anything wrong? Draco was always so sensitive and protective when it comes to his mother, and she wondered if she hit a nerve by talking about her.

"I want to sleep." he said flatly

"Okay.." she got up, pulled the sheets off and watched him kicking his shoes on and climbing the bed. "I'll be there if you-"

"Stay." he grabbed her hand. She nodded, and took her high heels off, and put herself in bed next to him and he cuddled up with her. Few minutes later, Hermione could feel his chest raising and falling slowly, his breaths soften and she knew he was in deep sleep.

Heartbeats, was the only sound Hermione could hear. Her head was still laying on his chest, on his heart. Counting each one, until she forgot where did she reached with counting. Before her eyes closing slowly, to fall asleep next to him.


Hermione woke up before Draco, knowing he needed to start the day early. She slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him up, and left the room.
She headed to the kitchen starting coffee and getting breakfast ready for him. She placed the last plate on the table when she heard the shower running inside Draco's bedroom. She used the other bathroom, washing her face, fixing her hair and she found a new toothbrush so she used it. Thankfully she always keep her makeup bag inside her purse, so she manged to fix her makeup as well. She left the bathroom and walked towards Draco's room. He was still in the shower. Hermione cleaned the room with her wand, the bed was all tidy up the curtains were opened as the window to let the fresh air into the room. Then she picked Draco's clothes which were on the ground and put them in the washing room.

Few minutes she had to wait, until Draco came out, wearing his jeans and T-shirt. But he was heading towards the front door.
"Where are you going?" she stood up

"To the hospital."

"Hold on, I made you breakfast-"

"I'm not hungry." he looked at her as he put his shoes on

"No sir you're not leaving." she crossed her arms "you better have your breakfast first."

"Hermione I really am not-"

"I'll count to three and I better see you sitting and having your breakfast!"


"One!" he frowned "Two!"

"Fine! Fine!" he walked towards the table, pulled a chair and sat on it

Hermione was smiling "it always works." she sat opposite him and they both ate breakfast. And for a moment, Draco seemed to forget everything, about his father and his brother. He was enjoying his food with his wife.

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