Chapter Sixty-four: One More Chance

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   A loud knock was coming from the outside of Jan's place, where Helena was staying since she left the wedding. Hyldey stepped in once Jan  opened the door and she was followed by Nick who had his hands in his pockets. 
Hyldey looked at her sister with a disgusted look, furious and sorry for her. None of them spoke for a while "Don't be so harsh.." Jan whispered to Hyldey when he saw that she was opening  her mouth to speak. 

"Get up we're leaving." She said tonelessly, but Helena who was having a red puffy eyes remained at her seat "get up!" and Helena finally got up.

"Let me give you a ride, then." Nick said 

"No, thanks." Hyldey smiled at him, she took Helena's hand and with a loud crack they apparated home.

Hermione and Draco were sitting opposite each other on the dinning table, they were having a late breakfast. Both of them ate in silence. Hermione out her fork down and took her coffee cup took a sip and put back again. "I'll go and talk to Helena.." Draco said quietly "I have to take the responsibility for that baby. I'll be a good father.. I'll try my best." 

"I'm afraid that I'm not as optimistic as you are." she answered 

"We'll talk, Hermione. And I'll do whatever it takes to get through this together. It's enough if you just didn't close all the doors in my face.

"Don't think about us now, there's something more important, there's a baby coming. I don't want you to give him your back and leave him. What kind of love is that to break a baby's heart? I'm with you, Helena is a bad person, but it's not the baby's fault." she let a soft sigh "I know what it feels to be pregnant without having- the father. And I don't want that baby to build his life on lies like Eleanor. I know what is it to live years without your dad, knowing that he's alive but you can't be with him." she took a deep breath "go to her Draco, you two need to talk."

Draco stared at her for a second "I know now why I adore you so much, Hermione." he said softly 

Hermione leaned back in her seat "I.. I can't promise you anything about us now. I need time."

"Okay.." he pushed his seat back and got up "I'll go now." Hermione only nodded and watched him as he left.

A woman with brown hair and black eyes opened the door for him in Hyldey's flat, he stepped in and met a pair of furious green eyes. He stopped and his pale grey ones locked hers. Hyldey was holding her bag in her left hand and her phone in the other. "I.. I came to talk to Helena.." he said quietly

"She's upstairs." Hyldey answered

Draco nodded, he moved to climb the stairs, his foot stopped when he reached the first one then he stepped back and looked at Hyldey " Hyldey, I'm sorry." he said "I'm ready to be responsible for that baby and-"

"Responsible?" she repeated "you want to be responsible for it? Sure.. You'll hold her hands when she gives birth, you'll have your baby in your arms and give him love than what? You'll go back to your wife and leave Helena and your baby alone, when the normal thing is.. The baby's to sleep with his mum and dad's arms in his first night. This the second child Draco and the second mother.. Sorry third." she paused and saw the guilt in his eyes "don't speak about responsibility Draco, because you don't even know what it means. Go, she'll be in her room."

Draco climbed the stairs without another word to Helena's bedroom. He knocked and entered the room, Helena was lying on her bed wearing a black silk pyjamas. She sat down and pushed her hair behind her ear when she saw Draco "come down.. We need to talk." he said calmly then left.

Draco was in the kitchen having a cup of tea when Helena came and the same woman with brown hair and black eyes placed a cup of tea in front of Helena before leaving. Helena sat on the chair opposite Draco, took a small sip of her tea then placed it back on the table. "How are you?" Draco asked and she only shrugged "listen, Helena, I'm ready," her eyes met his "I want this baby and I'll give him anything he needs."

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