Chapter Fifty-five: Don't You Dare

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That night, Norman and Ken headed to Draco's place. They waited outside until Draco came, his phone, wallet and keys in one hand. Ken looked in disbelief at Draco who was walking towards them "Draco Malfoy is your brother?" he asked

"Yes. Same father different mothers." Norman answered "Draco this is Ken," Draco gave him a nod "he works in the ministry can get you any anything you need about anyone. Ken I don't think you know enough about Draco." Ken nodded back

"C'mon, let's go." Said Draco walking to the door of the back seat of Ken's car.

The three of them walked to Nick's house, when they arrived to the front door it was open. Two men standing on either side of it. Ken walked in first then Draco and Norman, about four other men were inside, two of them were taking photos of all the files were there and the other two were actually having laptops! Working like nerds on them.
They had a copy of every single paper there. Draco found his files, he read them, and realised the huge trap Nick and Hermione had made for him. "Maybe you should leave him a note." Said Norman

"I must." Draco found and empty paper and left them a note
If you need any other informations, don't hesitate calling me.
Draco Malfoy
He wrote and left it on top of his files.

"I think we're done here." Said Ken

The four men left first, then Ken followed them. Norman and Draco left together, and Ken was waiting outside. Norman's phone rang when they were outside then he asked Draco to leave with Ken as he had an important work to do.

Norman had found were Nick's father were, Ali was there with another five men and three were on the floor bleeding when Nick's father was sitting on a chair "Mr Abbott," Said Nick's father "I don't understand.. These are your men who saved me?"

"I hope they treated you well." said Norman

"I need a phone, please I want to make sure my wife is alright."
Norman nodded and handed him his own phone. Mr Lyttelton called Nick, who was so surprised to hear his father's voice and how calm and relaxed his voice was.

Hermione arrived to St Mungo's hurrying to Nick, Hyldey and Jan who were sitting on a wooden bench outside the hospital. "Nick, is it true? Your dad called you?"

"Yeah." he nodded "I think he's alright, his voice was calm."

"Good." Hermione smiled but then her smile faded when she heard someone crying, "Loreen? What's wrong?"

Loreen shook her head and took her hands off her mouth "I'm so sorry, son. Mrs Amanda just past away." she gasped for air as she sobbed

Hermione turned her head quickly to Nick that some quiffs of her hair fell on her face, Nick who was falling back on the seat and tears filled his green eyes took a deep shaky breath "I couldn't do anything to her." he said weakly

"Nick.." Hermione's eyes got watery as she held his hand and sat next to him
Hyldey hugged Jan and both had tears in their eyes. Hyldey turned her face away trying to stop crying when she saw a man screaming for help, then two men wearing white uniform ran from the hospital with stretcher to held whoever it was. But when the man who was screaming for help held another man Hyldey frowned, wiped her eyes to clear her vision and gaped when she saw Draco who seemed to be knocked out.

"Isn't that.. Draco?" Said Hyldey then all of them turned to him.

"Quickly! He's not breathing! And no pulse!" a man cried as they took him inside and for a moment Hermione felt like someone was choking her, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't see or hear anything but people screaming Nick's name, just when she realized that Nick was running towards Draco screaming "Killer!"
Hermione was running now after Nick trying to stop him, but then Ken held him and pushed him away from Draco and Jan rushed to help him. When Hyldey and Hermione were following the healers and Draco inside.

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