Chapter Sixty-six: Epilogue 2

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Draco came back fifteen minutes later. With hands full of different kinds of the home tests. He ran towards her "Hermione!" He said panting and gave her all of them "look, I bought you five.. Just in case."

"Five? I only need one Draco" she laughed softly

"C'mon babe go, do what you have to do." He walked behind her and his hand on her back.
Hermione entered the bathroom and Draco had to wait. Five minutes passed, Draco was pacing up and down. Ten minutes passed and he was still waiting "Hermione what happened with you?" He groaned. Hermione didn't answer. Another five minutes passed and Hermione was still in the bathroom. "Hermione?" He knocked "you're killing me you know that?" He was about to knock again when Hermione opened the door, she had a sad look in her eyes as she stepped outside and to the living room. "Honey?" He called but she didn't answer, he gripped her shoulders and turned her to him. He saw her eyes, full of tears and already started to run down her cheeks "it's okay babe, I mean we still have a life to have babies. We're still young " he smiled cheerfully at her

Hermione bit her lip "I'm pregnant." She whispered and pulled two sticks of the home test from her pocket "I made it twice. I got a positive result twice." She smiled

"You- what?" He breathed his hands found hers "we're having a second child?" Hermione nodded. "Hermione.." He hugged her tight, very tight that he never hugged her like that before, he pulled away to take her mouth with his.

Hermione and Draco went to bed, she was laying her head on his chest. Draco looked down at her she slept.. God what I'm going to do now?
"Hermione?" He called her softly. Hermione only whispered "You slept already?"

"You need something?" She said weakly and sleepy

"I.. I was just wondering if you can.. Do it again Hermione."

Hermione pushed herself away from him "For the love of God Draco! I made it three times already! I'm tired and you won't let me sleep and I have work on the morning! Look at the time!"

"Please.. Please, just one more time.." He begged

Hermione huffed, she threw the blankets on him and got to the bathroom to do the text for the fourth time. Draco grinned, crossed his legs and waited for her to come back.

In the same night, Hyldey came back home with Norman and Jan. Helena was home already.
She, Helena, went white when she saw the three of them walking in without a word, their faces had no expressions. She closed the door behind them and followed them to dinning table. Hyldey sat next to Norman when Jan was standing behind them. "Helena," Hyldey called when she saw that her sister was trying to escape to her room "come here we need to talk."
Helena rolled her eyes and joined them. Hyldey stared at her sister as the tears flowing in her eyes "I.. I just knew everything you've done Helena. I don't understand why you've been doing this but," she took a long breath and wiped her eyes "I'm really sorry but you have to choose between St Mungo's or Azkaban. I'm sorry Helena but I have to give you to the ministry if you didn't go to the hospital." She sobbed and even Helena was crying, her face was so pale as if she was dead.

Helena, Norman and Hyldey were in the car, in front of St Mungo's. Hyldey sobbing as she watched her sister and Norman entering the hospital. Then he came back without her, he was walking alone towards the car and Hyldey couldn't help but cry harder.

When Hermione was finely sleeping peacefully. She and Draco jumped at the loud sounf of the knocking and the doorbell ringing "what's that! Who's coming at this time?" Hermione left her bed and put her robe on. She and Draco went downstairs and Draco opened the door. Hyldey walked in still crying and when Hermione saw her she rushed to her.
About an hour later..
"Let her sleep here tonight. She won't take it being at her house without her sister in it." Hermione said told Norman. "And tomorrow morning you can take her to see her sister."

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