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Katniss PoV
It's been 3 years since we got the letter. The letter to tell us about our fathers passing. There was an explosion while he was serving the army. He wasn't found. Probably blown to bits.
It hasn't been the same since. My mother seemed to just stop, stop talking, stop eating, just stopped.
I had to fend for myself, and my sister Primrose of course. My innocent, defenceless little Primrose...

And then she slowly started coming back to life, but not as our mother. Not as the wife my father loved. Instead, as a women who I no longer recognised. She would leave late afternoon not to return until early hours of the morning with a slam of the door, waking me and my sister. I would hold her tight in my bed every night, whispering soothing words over our mothers abuse.

As if our mother wasn't bad enough, soon came the boyfriend. His name was Seneca. Seneca Crane. It's a name I don't often like to think about, too many memories come with it.

It was just little things at first, he would throw abuse my way, about my father, my appearance, my inability to be a good daughter to my mother. Then it started getting physical. He would slap me, hit me, kick me until I was begging for him to stop. Until my eyes were soaked with tears and my mouth blood ridden. When I hit 11, he would throw me in the basement for days on end. I was some sort of 'pleasure toy' to him. In my nightmares I can still feel his hands on me. That man is responsible for every scar I have. On my body and inside my head.

Up until then, however, he had never laid a hand on little Primrose. But when he did I heard her screams and cries from my place in the basement, I begged and prayed to my dad to stop this monster from hurting my sister, stop him from killing her. A week after, when I was released from my prison cell in the basement, he told me she was gone. Gone. My little duck was gone.

After that the weeks in the basement didn't seem too bad. I didn't want to eat or talk. I just wanted to be alone. I didn't want my mother or that monster to see me at my weakest. I'm not weak.

It was a Tuesday evening, I'd just got home from school. Which was rare, since I was normally held a prisoner in my own home. I hated school anyway, I have to admit I was quite brainy, but I never was any good at making friends.
I ran through the door and up the stairs to my bedroom that I'd once shared with Prim, hoping he hadn't heard me. I was wrong. He grabbed my hair and dragged me down our wooden staircase. Screaming things like

"I didn't tell you to go to school did I?!?"

"What if they saw your bruises?!? How long would I be in prison for?"

He threw me against the oven, which he had probably turned on just to cause me more agony. It kept going and going until he let go of me. I slumped to the floor, unable to move my legs to run away. I'd opened my eyes just long enough to see the frying pan that hit my into unconsciousness.

I know it's short but it's just a prologue! By the way Katniss is 13 until I say otherwise just because of how I've planned the story out in my head! Thank you for reading please vote and comment!
Livi xox
Oh and all rights reversed.

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