Chapter 11~ xoxo

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Katniss PoV

I wait by the lockers as I've been ordered. I wonder what Peeta wants to talk about? Well., I have a vague idea.

"Katniss!" I could spot him a mile off, the blonde messy hair, the freckles over his nose, those piercing blue eyes. That boy is finee.

He hugs me when he reaches my locker and I return the gesture.

"Peeta!" I mumble in to the hug, causing him to chuckle and pull away.

"You're so cute." He smiles and looks to the floor nervously.

"Thanks, I do try." I giggle and he eases back to the careless thing he is. We carry on talking before he actually gets to the subject.

"you're probably wondering why you're here?"

"It did cross my mind."

"Well.." he grabs my hand and we begin walking.

"Katniss Estella Rose Everdeen. I've known you since we were 13. It's not that long in hind sight, but it feels like years. Does it not?"

"If your trying to be British, stop." I giggle.

"I said does it not?"

"it's does indeed."

"And in that 3 years I've gained a friend, a best friend." I smile.

"But don't you think it's time we became more than friends?"

My jaw drops in realisation. More than friends? As in boyfriend and girlfriend?

I turn back around to answer and in his left hand he holds a rose.


"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He looks at my with sincere eyes and a nervous smile. How could I refuse that face.

"Of course." I break into a smile as does Peeta. He hands me the rose and places one hand on my cheek.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

And he kisses me. Again. But I'm telling you, I couldn't get tired of this. He has such a gentle touch. Ugh. Have I mentioned he's perfect?

When we pull away I check the time. 2:49.Shit! I have cheer at 3!

"Peeta! I have cheer!" I yell and his eyes widen.

"Well we better run." He grins cockily and takes my hand and practically drags me out the gates.

"You know what?" He stops about 1/4 of the way there and crouches down I front of me.

"Get on my back."

"Peeta!" I giggle.

"I'm being serious." He says though laughter. "But really get on my back."

We arrive with two minutes to spare, out of breath and laughing.

"I better go, you know the girls will be insane on the group chat tonight?"

"Yeah I know, but it's worth it." He gives a nervous chuckle, he's so cute. I smile.

"See you!" I'm about to walk in when he grabs me by the waist and turns me around.

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