first day

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Kits first day back, first day back to school and the only sense of normality for a 16 year old. I have to admit, I'm petrified. Of course gossip spreads like wild fire and rumours get distorted. Usually, Kit wouldn't have been one to be affected by petty things girls say, but as we said: she's vulnerable.

Another thing is also the thought of Gale himself. He has to come back to school soon right? What will he say, what will he do? More importantly: what will Katniss do to stop it?

I watch Katniss carefully as we walk through the gates. Her walking slows slightly and she begins to play with her thumbs: nerves. She turns around to meet my eye and I give her a slight nod.

"You're alright, Kit, you have all of us."

"That's right, we won't let anything happen to you okay?" Finnick reassures and she nods.

We all head straight to home room as we know that's one place we definitely won't see Gale. Of course, the sight of Katniss turns heads. I see eyes looking her up and down as they search for scars or bruises. She's got a few slightly visible on her face, but cleverly concealed with makeup. As for the rest of her body, she's covered with her choice of clothing. She bites her lip and tugs at her sleeves desperately.

Peeta, who was called over by his mate on the football team, joins us and within seconds it's clear he knows something's up. The stares from around the room aren't even subtle, and everyone knows why they're happening. He throws me a concerned look before turning to Katniss and smiles.

"Wanna sit?" He asks her. She smiles back at him and nods as he pulls a chair for her. We know he's only trying to calm her but the rest of us all exchange looks as we take a seat.

It's lunch before we all see each other again. We're all sat down talking when I look up and see Katniss and Peeta walk in from their last class together. She's laughing, they both are, and I can't help but sigh in relief. Finnick clocks my gaze and soon the whole table is turning to watch them.

"What do you think really happened last night?" Finnick whispers with a cheeky grin.

"You heard him Fin" Cato teases. "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Katniss voice sounds as she sits down next to me. We all silence but you can see the boy trying to hold in their laughter.

"Don't worry." I say quickly. "How was class?"

She rolls her eyes dramatically. "I didn't miss this place."

"You looked quite happy when you walked in." Johanna raises her eyes brows and I see both blush slightly. "What were you possibly doing that made you late to lunch?" She asks cockily.

Oh yeah? They were late to lunch.

"Our class got let out late." Peeta replies, digging in his bag for lunch money. Katniss looks at him before nodding.

"Hmmm." I say.

"Convincing." Finnick inspects.

"Shut up Finnick." They both say.

"You getting in the line?" Katniss asks, referring to Peetas dollar fishing.

"Well, got to eat haven't I?" He replies with a cheeky tone and smirk as he looks up to her.

"Think I'd rather starve" She remarks and wrinkles her nose at the scent of this afternoons cafeteria delicacies.

"Good thing I thought of you then." I state simply pulling out a ham baguette and salted chips and throwing them jokingly in Katniss's direction. She looks up at me inquisitively before the corners of her lips curl.

"Thank you, Clove."

"Didn't bloody think of me though did you?" Peers retorts sarcastically.

"Should've been up earlier." I reply smoothly with a smug smirk. The others laugh.

"Share this, I'm not too hungry." Katniss offers and he takes is seat across from her as she tears the baguette in half.

I watch them intently, Peeta has always been a people person. He was most probably the first person I ever really trusted. Apart from my family of course. It's crazy to think how far our friendship group have all come. I turn to look towards the others but it seems they're already trying to gain my attention. Finnick widens his eyes at me and subtly nods his head in the direction behind him, slightly left. I lift my eyes to where he leads me and my sight falls upon a slim, blonde girl. Delly.

She's with her group of friends, minus Gale, and all they're gazes seem to drift over in Katniss's direction during their conversation. She's angry, I can see it.
As if a god send, the bells rings and all over us usher Katniss and Peeta, who are both innocently unaware of the situation, back to homeroom.

Right, hey guys it's been a while I'm sorry? also sorry this is such a bad chapter, I promise the next few will be better when I get some ideas together. I have awful writers block
Please comment what you think or what you'd like to see happen

All rights reserved xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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