Chapter 2: The Arrival

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With both Lexis and Soka collapsed onto the floor, the guild basically a wreck and James still out cold by a flying cake; Michi and Mack knew that they were in trouble now. But to their surprise, the guild was empty except for the five of them.

"Mack, this has gotten out of hand." Michi looked at Mack.

"Aye." Mack stared at the two collapsed. "But what can we do Michi?"

Michi shrugged. "Try to clean this place up?" She suggests.

Mack nods and the two get to work.


Moments later the guild is back to normal again. Mack and Michi lay on the floor staring at the ceiling.

"That was hard." Michi states out of breath.

"Aye." Mack replies.

Suddenly the guild doors opened and a girl about Michi's height stood in the doorway.

"It's good to be back!" She enters the guild and then looks around. "Where is everyone?"

Michi and Mack stare at the girl, figuring out where they know her from.

"Um, have we met?" Michi walks over to the girl.

"I don't know." The girl replies. "I'm Lena, Lena Vermillion. Wait. No, it's Lena Strauss. Miss Vermillion was my master." Lena smiled brightly at Michi.

"Now I know! Mack's parents talked about him having a younger sister who was trained by First Master! You must be her!" Michi smiled. "By the way, I'm Michi. It's nice to meet you Lena."

"I'm Mack, your older brother." Mack smiled proudly. "And the girl with blond hair over there is Lexis, your older sister." Mack pointed to the still unconscious Lexis.

"Who are the other two?" Lena looked at Soka and James.

"The girl is Soka and the boy is her older brother James." Michi informed.

"So where is everyone else?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out. Care to help us solve the mystery?"

"Sure. But first shouldn't we help them?" Lena pointed to Soka, Lexis, and James.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." Michi slightly sighed as the three went to help the others.


After getting everyone onto the right track, the six sat down and began to plan.

"What do you think happened to everyone?" Michi posed her question.

"Maybe they were kidnapped!" Mack called out.

"Maybe they left us." Soka stated.

"They could all be on a mission." James told them.

"Right, and they all left without telling us?" Soka sarcastically replied to her brother.

"Well you have any other ideas as to what happened?" James placed his hands onto the round wooden table.

"Maybe we should check out the library to see if it's something like DSMS." Michi exclaimed.

"What's DSMS?" Lena looked at Michi slightly confused.

"It's Dragon Slayer Mating Season. It's where Dragon Slayers pick a mate and go through a ten step, month long process and blah blah blah." Michi explained.

"Oh. Okies." Lena smiled.

"Let's head out!" Soka commanded and raced Lexis to the library.

The other four followed the two.


{A/N: feel free to state what you feel happened to everyone in the guild. Also, sorry for not updating in a while. I had writers block. -_#}

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