Chapter 11

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Mira, Laxus, Natsu, Lucy, Gajeel, Levy, and Erza had all arrived at Tenroujima island. Natsu - was of course - unconscious as Erza had knocked him out on the way there for accidentally tossing her cake overboard along with his lunch.

"Let's go to the grave of First Master!" Laxus ordered. "Her and Zeref may be there,"

"I don't know Laxus," Mira began, "it's a large island."

Laxus huffed. How could she of all people deny his idea?!?

"I agree with Mira." Erza stated. "I say we split up and look around. We'll meet back here in an hour to discuss. If we find them then we'll send a signal to one another."

"I'll make the teams then!" Laxus looked around and then grinned. "The teams are: Mira and I, Natsu and Lucy, Gajeel and Levy, and Erza will be on her own!" He chuckled silently to himself as he thought: let's see how Titania likes being by herself!

"Laxus!" Mira crossed her arms and stared angrily at him. "That's mean! At least have her be with us!"

"No." Erza stopped her. "It's okay Mira, I'll be fine by myself."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Now let's split up and start searching. The longer we wait, the more time he has to hurt First Master."

The others nodded in agreement and each team darted off in a different direction of the other teams.


Zeref had Mavis in his grasp. "I promised I wouldn't hurt you."

"You already broke that promise!" Mavis growled at him as she tried to get away from him.

"I will not let you leave me again!" Zeref then slammed the door shut and locked Mavis into the closet of the small cabin he had made on the island.


Mira wandered around with Laxus following close behind her.

"I wish to punish the demon." Laxus whispered seductively into Mira's ear.

Mira stopped walking and blushed. "Not now Laxus. We have to loo-" Laxus cut her off and kissed her deeply. He wrapped his arms around her waist just as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"We're alone now, the others can fend for themselves for a little while..." Laxus kissed Mira again, this time a bit rougher.

Mira sighed. She knew they had to look for Mavis, but then she really wanted this moment to last forever. "Okay. Let's do it." Mira kissed Laxus back.

The two then engaged in... it.


Erza walked around alone. She was fine with being by herself, but then it was lonely. She sighed. She knew what the other teams were doing.... Erza figured that she was the only one actually looking for First Master and Zeref.

Suddenly a twig behind her snapped causing the Fairy Queen to turn to face a blue haired Mage with a red mark on the right side of his face.

"Jellal?" Erza sounded shocked. What was he doing here? She wondered.

"Shh..." Jellal placed a finger onto Erza's lips and brought her closer to him. "Don't speak...." He then removed his finger and replaced it with his lips touching hers.

Erza held the kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. Jellal grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. Had he tamed the mighty Titania? Was she finally his? Jellal thought to himself as he also held the kiss.

"Why are you here?"

"To be with you, my love." Jellal then forced Erza closer to him and pinned her to a tree. She was helpless, just the way he liked it. His right eye flashed with the mark that had once controlled him before and he roughly began to do it to the red haired knight.


"Are we there yet?" Lucy complained.

"Don't complain Luce. I'll use my nose and find them." Natsu smiled as he followed behind her. His arms behind his head as he walked his casual walk. His gaze fixated on Lucy's torso.

"But we've been walking forever. And my feet hurt... and- " Lucy turned around to catch Natsu's line of sight. "Were you looking at my butt???" She exclaimed.

"What?" Natsu staggered back a bit. "Of course not!"

"Natsu! My eyes are up here!"

"I knew that!" He shifted his gaze up to her eyes. "It's just you're so beautiful."

Lucy blushed. "We need to-" She began but was interrupted by Natsu.

Natsu kissed Lucy deeply and quickly engaged her in doing it with him.


Gajeel and Levy, by this time had already been doing it in front of the grave of Mavis Vermillion when they heard a strange noise come from inside of the woods.

Being the curious investigator Levy is, she pried herself away from Gajeel and went exploring for the strange noise. Gajeel sighed and followed Levy. He was sad that their play time had ended so soon.

When the two reached the source of the noise, they discovered the small cabin in which Mavis and Zeref were in. To make sure their assumptions were right, the two snuck over to the nearest window and peered into it. What they saw shocked and disturbed them so much that they quickly peeled their eyes away from the sight.

"We have to alert the others!" Levy whispered to Gajeel.

"Right." Gajeel dragged Levy over to a safe place and fired one of his iron dragon slayer roars into the sky.

The other teams saw this and stopped doing what they were doing.

"Man... why now?" Natsu complained, but he got up and picked up Lucy. He then dashed over to where Levy and Gajeel were.

Laxus and Jellal arrived soon after, both carrying their respective woman.

"When did you get here?" Natsu slightly glared at Jellal.

"What is it to you?" Jellal glared back at Natsu.

"That's enough!" Laxus ordered breaking up their fight. "Gajeel, where is First Master?"

"In the cabin. With Zeref."

"So let's bust in now!"

"It's not that simple."

"And why not?"

"Well they're..."


{what could Mavis and Zeref be doing?!? This is the end of this chapter. I know it's probably a cliff-ish hanger. Feel free to state your opinions down below.
Till next time, Xfang}

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