Chapter 7

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...The red beady eyes glared down upon their victims. The crazed black Mage laughed as the dark figures devoured their prey...

Lucy woke up to find Natsu sprawled out on top of her, passed out. She sighed and then attempted to get out from under him. He, however would not budge. Really? Lucy thought to herself. She then looked around the room, and to her surprise, the others were in the same position as her: the girls were under the guys.

Lucy struggled to get free from Natsu's unconscious grasp. "Come on. Get off me!" She mumbled to herself. "I'm sorry Nastu, Lucy Kick!" Lucy kicked Natsu off of her and got up. She dusted herself off and went to explore the area.

The next to awake was Erza and then Mira. Erza swiftly pushed Jellal off of her as he was no match for the great Titania. She glanced over at Mira and saw that she required assistance. She sighed and went over to aid the helpless demon.

"Thank you." Mira smiled as Erza helped her push Laxus off of her. "Do you remember what happened?"

Erza shook her head. "No."

They looked around. Hmm... They thought in unison. Something made a sound making the two S-Class wizards turn to face the blonde celestial wizard.

"Don't hurt me!" Lucy squealed being glared upon by Erza.

"What are you doing Lucy?!?" Erza commanded.

"I'm trying to find a way out."

Mira looked at Lucy. "Have you seen First Master anywhere?"

Lucy shook her head. "No. I don't know where she is." She looked down.

Suddenly a loud thunder of footsteps echoed down the hallway. Erza and Lucy prepared themselves for a battle.

"Erza. Lucy. Wait." Mira held them back. "Look." She pointed as Lexis and Soka stumbled to the room followed by Michi and Neko.

"What are they doing here?" Lucy questioned.

"How did they find us?" Erza asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Mira smiled at the two. "They came to rescue us."

"They did?" Lucy looked at Mira.

"We did!" Michi ran up to Lucy and hugged her tightly. Lexis did the same to Mira as Soka did the same to Erza. Neko wandered around looking for Levy.

Erza looked at the girls. "How did you find us?"

"A girl named Zoey lead us here." Soka stated proudly.

"Where are your siblings?" Mira asked.

"Back at the guild..." Lexis lied hoping they wouldn't cross paths.

"Let's find a way out of here." Michi proposed.

"But what about First Master? We can't leave her and the guys here." Lucy replied.

They thought for a moment before a scream echoed through the room. The six raced towards the source: Neko had spilt a green liquid all over herself. Neko laid emotionless on the ground for a moment. The green liquid seeped into her body, disappearing within her pores by the minute. She then began to scream uncontrollably as small cat ears began to slowly and painfully appear on her head, as well as a cat tail on her butt. Neko's human ears slowly morphed back into her head as if they were never there in the first place. When Neko stopped screaming, she got up and looked at Lucy, Michi, Soka, Erza, Lexis, and Mira as if nothing of what just happened happened.

"So," Neko began, "what do we do now?"

The others just stared at her blankly trying to take in what just happened.


Lena entered a large foyer, in the middle stood Zeref, the most wanted Mage.

"I have been waiting for you, student of Mavis."

"I will destroy you."

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