Chapter 8

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"I Will Destroy You!"

Zeref laughed. "How is a tiny kid like yourself going to do that?"

Lena glared at Zeref. "I may be small but I will still stop you from hurting my master!"

"I'd like to see you try." Zeref chuckled.

Lena growled and held her hands to her mouth. Her hands formed into fists, placed one on top of the other with a small hole in between them. "Roar of the fairy dragon slayer!" Lena let out a roar, sending a pink and yellow beam of light towards Zeref.

Zeref grinned and merely stepped out of the way to dodge. "Mavis wasted her time with you!" He grunted.

Lena growled more. "How dare you say that! Master loved having me as a student!"

"Then show me what you really can do!"

"I will!" Lena then ripped off the sleeves of her shirt to reveal the fairy glitter mark.

Zeref grinned. "I'm impressed, but unfortunately it won't work."

"And why not?!?"

"Because Mavis taught you."

"What does that have to do with this?"

"More than you'll ever know." Zeref turned to the side to see Mack and James running into the room, they joined Lena's side. "So there's more of you here now?"

"That's right!" James shouted.

"And we're gonna spoil your plan!" Mack joined in.

Zeref looked at the two boys and couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Are you serious? Do you even know what my plan is?"

Mack and James then looked at each other. Silence filled the area. They looked back at Zeref with blank faces. "Uh... no."

Zeref laughed more. "How can you ruin my plan if you don't even know what it is?"

"What is your plan then?" Lena pipped up.

"What?" Zeref looked at the girl slightly puzzled by her question.

"If you're so sure that we can't stop you, then tell us your plan." Lena ordered.

Zeref grinned. "You remind me of her..." he mumbled. "Fine. I'll tell you. Please, sit down."

The three hesitated before sitting down. Zeref walked over to the three and sat down across from them.

"So you really want to know?"

The three nodded.

Zeref sighed. "Fine." He held his hands together and explained his plan to them. "My goal is to get Mavis to be my queen so that she may create a child for me."

Lena grinned. "You liiiiike her." She mimicked Happy.

"I do not!" Zeref blushed a little as he was embarrassed that a child figured out his reason.

"Sure you don't." Lena grinned wider, almost demonically.

"At least we know how to stop you now." James stood up and helped Mack and Lena up as well.

"And how are you going to do that?" Zeref leaned against his hands and stared up at the three.

"We will take your bride away!" Mack cheered.

Zeref grinned. "Nice plan. But I'm afraid you won't be leaving here alive."

James and Mack tensed up after hearing Zeref's words. Lena just gave a cold stare to Zeref.

"That doesn't scare me!" She said. "Because I will defeat you!"

"Bring it." Zeref grinned as the three kids got into their stances.

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