Chapter 14: War

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The clouds darkened around the guild. For a brief moment all was still.

Suddenly, a loud boom echoed across the land. The guild hall shook and trembled. It's reinforcements stood their ground.

But what the members of Fairy Tail were not expecting was that the great black dragon - Achnologia - himself would join Zeref in this war upon the fairies.

The dragon landed in front of the guild, his dark cold eyes stared down upon the building.

"Give back Mavis and your lives shall be spared!" Zeref called from on the back of Achnologia.

"We are Fairy Tail!" Makarov walked out of the guild. He looked up at the towering dragon and black Mage before him. "We do not take likely to those who wish to harm our family!"

"Give me back Mavis and your lives will be spared!" Zeref called once again, this time becoming more irritated by having to repeat himself.

"We will not give you first master!" Makarov glared towards the black Mage.

Zeref stiffened. His fist gripped with rage. "Fine. Have it your way." He looked down at Achnologia and whispered into the great dragon's ear. "Kill them all."

Achnologia opened his mouth, an orb of light formed as he readied his roar.

A light glistened around Makarov as he grew from his tiny self to a giant Titan. "You will not harm my brats!" He roared.

Achnologia fired his roar at Makarov. The old man took the attack to protect his children. He hoped his sacrifice would be enough to save them. The poor master shrunk in size as he flew back towards the guild. His body burnt and black.

Achnologia grinned thinking he had claimed his victory. However, as Makarov hit the ground, a golden magic circle appeared upon the chest of the almighty dragon. Achnologia looked down at his chest. Before he could realize what it was, the large dragon began to shrink. Achnologia shrank until he was the size of a mouse.

Zeref looked down at Achnologia and just shook his head. How could a great dragon like Achnologia turn to something as tiny as a mouse? He stared at the -now masterless- guild and grinned. The fairies would be useless without a master. Now he could get Mavis without any trouble.

The black Mage casually walked into the guild. But as the doors closed behind him, he suddenly had regret.

How could he have fallen into their trap? He was the great black mage Zeref.

Natsu stood in front of Zeref, glaring at him.

"You hurt gramps! Now you must pay!" He growled at Zeref.

Zeref just stared at Natsu. He wanted Mavis, but he could not push himself to get through Natsu.

"Iron fist of the fire dragon!" Natsu punched Zeref in the face. He called out attacks as he beat Zeref.

Zeref closed his eyes. Would this be the end for him?

Mavis floated down to the two, stopping Natsu in his tracks. "That's enough." She whispered.

Natsu pouted.

The kids watched in confuse-ment. Was this all the war? Was this it?

Zeref looked at Mavis. He wanted her so badly. He could just reach out and touch her. So why didn't he?

Mavis looked at him and then down at herself, "you brought this down upon yourself." She mumbled.

"I-I don't understand." He muttered. Mavis then took his hand and placed it upon her stomach.

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