Chapter 1: Secrets Revealed

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A/N Chapter 1! Hope you guys like it. Please give me any constructive criticism you have. Thanks! Comment and like!!!

On October 13th, four months before Donny's birthday on February 13th, Donny was dumped, yet again, by another girl. Only this time it was Hailey's BFF,  Natalie Ross, who had dumped him. Since Hailey had such a huge crush on Donny, Hailey defriended Natalie the same day she dumped him.

Natalie was also 14-years old and in the same grade as Hailey. She had blond hair, but don't let that fool you she was really smart. Natalie had beautiful gray eyes. She was only an inch taller than Hailey. She always seem to have a plan when anyone needed one. It hurt Natalie to have her best friend dump her over some guy. So the next day, October 3rd, Natalie went and talked to Hailey after school.

"Hailey what is going on with you?" Natalie asked, "You have been acting strange ever since we got back to school."

"I don't have to tell you," Hailey replied. "You're not my friend anymore"

"Really Hailey you're going to end a five year friendship and not tell me why," Natalie said shrewdly.

"Ok fine, but promise you won't tell anyone," Hailey told her

"Ok, I promise Hailey. I wouldn't tell anyone your secrets and you should know that," Natalie replied honestly.

"I will have to tell you later in a more private place, ok," Hailey told Natalie secretively.

  "Ok," Natalie said "How about you come over to my house around 3:30?"

"I will be there as soon as I can" Hailey told Natalie, "I will call you when I am on my way there."

"I will ask my mom what time is best," Natalie said like they had been friends still. "I will text you what she says."

"Ok!" Hailey said as her bus approached. "See you later."

"Bye!" replied Natalie as her mom drove up.

Later that afternoon Hailey had texted Donny to see when she and if she could come over before she met with Natalie.  

This is was there conversation:

Hailey: Hey Donny! Can I come over right now? If not, when can I come over?
Donny: Hey sorry, but you will have to wait come over. I will text you when you can, thou.
Hailey: Ok! See you later
Donny: Ok then I will text you later. Ps if and when you do come over I have to tell u something important. :)
Hailey: Ok! :)

She thought nothing of the important thing Donny wanted to tell her until later that day when she went to Natalie's house.

Soon after her conversation with Donny, Hailey got a text from Natalie.

This is there conversation:

Natalie: My mom said you can come over any time that you want, but I would like to know what is up around like NOW, so if you want you can come over now you can. Ps please do.
Hailey: Ok I will come, but I can only stay for a little bit. I have a lot of homework to do.
Natalie: Why don't we do our homework together?! After all we both have the same exact teachers' just different periods.
Hailey: Ok
After their conversation. Hailey set out to Natalie's house.

Before Hailey could ring the doorbell, Natalie quickly opened the door and pulled her in. As soon as Hailey was in the house they both rushed up the stairs to Natalie's room. Natalie quickly shut the door and waited for Hailey to tell her what she wanted to know. They sat in silence for about a minute, and then Natalie asked when she was going to tell her the secret of why she was acting so weird.

After a moment of silence, Hailey finally said "Ok, fine! I will tell you."

"Finally," Natalie mumbled under her breath.

"Well," Hailey started "I have a crush on a boy"

"What boy?" Natalie asked

"The boy you just dumped" Hailey answered

"Bryan Miller?" Natalie questioned

"What!" Hailey exclaimed "No way! Why would I have a crush on Bryan? He is not my type. What I meant was the boy you dumped yesterday."

"I didn't dump anyone yesterday." Natalie said confusingly "The last person I dumped was Bryan, and I dumped him a month ago."

"Well then who was the last guy you dated?" Hailey asked suspiciously

"I can't tell you!" Natalie said sadly "It would break your heart"

"Well then let me guess who it is" Hailey suggested

"Ok!" Natalie replied "You will never guess who it is, though."

"My first guess is:" Hailey said knowing it would be right "Donny, but you dumped him. Why would you lie to me Natalie"

"Yes it is Donny." Natalie said as she started to fake cry "I only lied to you for a very good reason. Donny told me not to tell you because he knew it would break your heart."

"That is so sweet of him." Hailey said dreamily.

"Wait a minute, how did you guess on the first try that I lied to you and it was Donny?" Natalie asked.

"Donny told me." Hailey responded.

"Donny never told me that I wasn't supposed to tell you because he was going to tell you." Natalie lied.

"Natalie I can tell you are lying." Hailey said. "Did Donny really tell you not to tell me?"

"Ok, fine!" Natalie said as she broke down, and told Hailey everything. "I will tell you what Donny really told, but first you have to tell me something"

"Ok what?" Hailey asked.

"Do you have a crush on Donny at all and be honest?" Natalie asked.

"Ok, yes." Hailey admitted. "I have had a huge crush on Donny. I have had one ever since I realized how much we have in common and how much fun we have together. Plus he is so cute, and I want him to be my boyfriend so badly."

"Ah ha!"  Natalie exclaimed. "I knew you liked him. Now I can tell you what Donny really told me. Ok well it all started about a month ago, Donny had realized that he needed another way to figure out if you liked him or not."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hailey interrupted. "Wait does Donny like me?"

"Hailey let me tell the story, and you'll find out. Ok where was I? Oh yeah, Donny had come up with a 'brilliant' plan. This plan of his involved me dating and dumping him. So he came up to me one day after school, and told me this 'Natalie I need your help to figure out if Hailey likes me more than a friend or not. I went along with his crazy messed up plan because I wanted to know too. Well the rest of the plan after I broke up with him followed as schedule. This then leads us up to now."

"OMG!" Hailey said with enthusiasm "Did you tell him that I like him yet?!"

"Yeah" Natalie said guiltily "I told him right after we were done talking after school. I told him that I suspected that your secret was that you had a crush on him."

"Natalie!" Hailey exclaimed angrily "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Donny texted me before I came here! He said he needs to tell me something important. Do you think that he is going to ask me out?"

"I don't really know Hailey" Natalie told her

Boodoop! Hailey had just gotten a text from someone

"Who is it from?" Natalie not needing to ask because she could probably guess who it was by the expression on Hailey's face.

A/N Cliffhanger!
Who could the text be from? Donny? Her mom/dad? Wrong number? Is someone just pranking her? You will just have to wait to find out. 😈
Mwhahaha. (Evil laugh) Well Any way I will try and update soon. :)

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