A Perfect Night

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Okay. So I'm starting this one before I finish the other. Why? Because I'm awesome like that. Just kidding. It's because I write what I am inspired to write. And at this moment in time, I am inspired to write this. Please. Read, comment, vote and enjoy.

Pic on the right is Jaden... in the future. Sorry. Couldn't find anyone younger to fit the bill. XD.


-Jaden's POV-

'For me, the worst sight is seeing a grown man cry' I recited dully. It was from my own script, that I, myself, had written, but I was sick of saying that line over and over just so my drama teacher could pick it to pieces and explain to the class why it stood out to him in my script.

I had written it a while back, when my mum left my dad. It had been about what I hoped would happen some day. I had edited it over the years, changing it ever so slightly every few months and now it was a completely different story. The basis was still the same, but it was longer and better. I decided to hand it in to my drama teacher after I thought of a title. A Perfect Night. I had regretted doing so ever since.

I have always been told by my friends that I write like Shakespeare. And, apparently, the way I speak is quite posh, too. I have to agree with them on my speech, but not with my writing. They have no idea how my writing varies. From furious scrawls of incoherent nonsense to huge paragraphs of brilliant writing to poetry fit to give to a king as his wedding present.

I smiled to myself, I had finally been able to sink into my own thoughts as the teacher continued his ramblings. I didn't care about listening any more. I just wanted to tune him out. He was probably the most annoying teacher in the school. But he did have competition. The maths teachers were definately in the running. I laid my arm on the desk and rested my head on it, my dark hair falling over my eyes. Good. Now he won't be able to tell when.... sleep came to me willingly, considering my insomnia for the past few days.

-Laura's POV-

I watched as for what felt like the thousandth time, Jaden repeated the line from his script. He sounded like he was bored as hell. I was sat next to him. I was a lucky so and so. Every girl in the school wanted my spot, but we had a seating plan. Yeah. Our teachers were cruel like that. I always knew that there was something different about Jaden.

He had always been the sporty type. Captain of loads of teams. Cheerleaders alway following him everywhere. But you could tell that he wasn't shallow, like most sports players. His physique said football, his eyes said poetry. I had often wondered what it would be like to speak to him. I never had plucked up the courage to though. I always felt intimidated by him. Just walking past him made me try and walk quicker, which almost always meant me tripping and guess who always caught me? Last time that happened, I squeaked and walked away. Wow. Nice going Laura.

I never had been popular, unlike Jaden. I just observed from the sidelines while he got crowded around. I wondered what it must be like for him. Perhaps he enjoyed the attention, but something in his eyes told me that he loathed it. His eyes gave away everything. You know what they say. The eyes are the windows to the soul. I wished I could just talk to him. Just once. Then maybe, just maybe, I could see what he loathed about such attention.

I noticed someone staring at me from across the room. Or was he staring at me? I followed his line of site. He was staring at the sleeping Jaden. The new kid. Our school had a uniform. I know. Sad right? But at 15 we were expected to wear uniforms apparently. England sucks. Anyway, back to the new guy. He was around 5'6. Blonde. Blue eyes that looked like they could see into the depths of your soul. He was almost as good looking as Jaden. Were they related? I didn't think so. So why was he staring? Did they know each other? I have no idea.

-Seth's POV-

Well, I may have been the new guy but I attracted some crowds. It looked like I took the attention away from the usually popular guy. Looked like he was relieved by it. I think someone said his name was Jaden. I was sat in drama when he recited the line from his script. We had been here only half an hour but it felt like a decade. I tuned out the teacher and decided I would analyse my classmates. I got haflway around the class when I stopped. Jaden was asleep. Oh this was going to be fun.

I stared at him, hoping he would look up, feeling my eyes as they tried to decipher him, but instead the girl sat next to him noticed me. I saw her trying to piece together the puzzle of why I was staring. I started acting out what I wanted to say. I attempted to tell her to wake him up. She nodded and prodded him. She pointed towards me when he looked at her. He turned around to face me. I waved. He looked at me like I was the strangest thing he had ever seen. I probably was, but he didn't know that. I internally chuckled at that thought. I wrote something on paper, screwed it into a ball and threw it to him.

Hey there sleepy head. Tired today?

I watched as he read it. He smiled slightly as he wrote his reply and tossed the ball back at me.

You could say that. May I ask why you so rudely interrupted my sleeping?

I almost laughed and then remembered we were in a classroom. The rest of the lesson sped by in a flying paper ball.

After the lesson it was lunch so I decided to hang by the doors and wait for him. I didn't care if he found me wierd or not.

'So. I've been looking for a tour guide but haven't found one yet. You interested?' I asked with a small laugh.

'I guess so. What class you in after lunch?' We started walking towards the dining hall.

'Double P.E.' I shrugged. 'Why?'

'Just wanted to check if we were in the same class.' Jaden replied.

'And are we?' I asked, now curious.

'Yeah.' He turned on the spot. 'And I haven't properly introduced myself.' He held out a hand. 'Jaden Scott.'

I shook his hand. 'Seth Green.' I smiled.


Okay. Seth is my main character but I thought I'd start with Jaden. I needed to get a feel of writing as him to know his character. Laura isn't planned to be a main character, but she might just end up worming her way in somewhere down the line. I don't know.

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