Chapter 4

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Sorry for the wait. I've just been busy with personal things. I should be uploading a lot more now though. Enjoy, Comment and Vote.


-Jaden's POV-

He fainted on me? That wasn't exactly expected. Perhaps he wasn't lying about that headache. Perhaps he was in shock. No matter the cause, I needed to make sure he was okay. I thought about what I could do. My house wasn't far. I thought about taking him their. But would he want to wake up in a strange house? He'd have to. I didn't know where he lived. And I couldn't leave him here, unconcious. I picked him up and began walking in the direction of my own home. It was only a few streets away.

When I got to my house, I laid Seth down on the doorstep so I could unlock the door, before opening it, picking him up, walking in and closing the door with my foot.

I walked up the stairs with him in my arms, making my way to my room. I laid him down on my bed and sat there for a little while, watching him. He looked so peaceful, despite the circumstances. I'd have to stay here until he came around. If he woke up alone he'd be wondering where the hell he was.

I sat on the edge of the bed and my hand touched his accidently. He was freezing! Poor guy. I stood up again and put my quilt over him.

-Seth's POV-

I woke up in a strange room. I looked down and noticed someone had covered me with a quilt. Probably the same person who brought me here. I turned around and there was Jaden. Why? Why did it have to be him?  I couldn't be more embarassed when the memories came flooding back. I felt like I was going to die from embarassment.

'You're awake, finally.' Jaden noted.

'Yep.' I replied. 'And I'll be going.' I pulled the quilt off me and stood up, turning to position it correctly. I guess since I used it, I should put it back the way it was. If it was that way in the first place.

'Why? Can you not stay a little longer? I was hoping we could talk.' Jaden said. Did I hear a glimmer of hope in his voice? Maybe I was imagining things. I turned to look at him once I was finished.

'There isn't anything to talk about. Is there?' I asked, hope colouring my own voice.

'The kiss might be something to talk about.' He replied.

'You really want to talk about that?' I asked. What was he going to say? That it was a mistake? Spur of the moment? The alcohol? Did he even have a drink? I snapped back to reality when he started speaking again.

'Unless you don't want to.' He replied. 'But I think it's a conversation topic for us. I'm pretty sure you want to know what made me do it.' He smiled. He could see right through me.

'Go on.' I said simply.

'I like you, Seth. Pure and simple. That was my provocation. I crave you.' He laughed. But it wasn't a joke laugh. It was a nervous laugh.

'So. You like me?' I asked, slightly shocked. 'I like you too.' I admitted, nervously.

'Really?' He raised an eyebrow. I sensed sarcasm. 'I hadn't noticed.' Yep. Definately sarcasm.

'So what do we do now?' I asked. I didn't know what to do. I felt akward. I was torn between running home and running into his arms.

'Maybe just this.' He stepped over to me and took my face in his hands before crushing our lips together.

Whoah. I started to feel a little dizzy. Why did he have to have this effect on me? I couldn't think. I was immersed. Drowning in emotions. I was so close to fainting again. I pulled myself together. I was fine until he broke away. I sighed. I wanted more.

'Perhaps you should go home...' He said after all, in a voice that told me that it wasn't what he wanted at all. I looked at him, confused. He sighed.

I turned towards the door to the room, but not before noticing his reasoning behind sending me home. It seemed he had gotten a little too excited from our kiss. I smiled to myself. Oh I was going to have some fun.

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