Chapter 10

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Okay. I seem to be in the beginning stages of conquering my writer's block. Let's hope this chapter is a good one, then I might be rid of it completely! ^_^ *happy dance*. And for any readers interested in my personal life, I dyed my hair! =P. Anyway, enjoy the next chapter =P. And vote/comment. If you do I shall do the happy dance for you and summon many many good-looking guys/girls/anything you like to make sure you are always very very happy for the rest of your life. :).


[Seth's POV]

The guitar was pefect. Too perfect. I've always lived by the motto "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is." That made me a bit suspicious.

Jaden was unusually quiet, too.

Those two things together scared me more than anything could at this point in my life.

There was at least one thing that was very wrong.

Firstly, Max was openly flirting with me in the shop. I ignored it as much as I could, and I was relieved when I left.

Then Jaden stopped talking to me. He wouldn't look at me directly. He kept a distance between us at all times, and if I tried to get closer to him he would get further away. Like repelling magnets.

I needed to stop Max flirting with me, and I needed to get Jaden to talk to me again. There was only one solution.

I needed to confront Max while Jaden was there.

We were back at Jaden's now and I decided that there's no time like the present to set things in motion.

'Do you want to go out some time?' I asked.

'Depends.' Jaden said, again not looking at me.

'On what?' I aksed, trying to sound cheery while my insides tore themselves apart.

'When and where.'

'Tomorrow. At that new restaurant in town.'

'Who'll be going?'

'Just me and you. Who else would I invite?' I asked with a chuckle.

'Max.' I heard him mumble.

'Jaden.' I said simply. I could take this anymore. I couldn't take him treating me like this.


'I do not like Max.' I told him, stern but upset. 'I ignored his flirting because I didn't want to acknowledge it at all.'

'Looked like you enjoyed it to me.'

'Don't you dare!'

'What?! It's true isn't it?!'

'No it most certainly isn't!' I yelled. 'Do you not get it?! I love you! No one else!' That's when the tears began escaping from my eyes. 'Can't you see?' I asked, my voice suddenly weak rather than the strong yell I had just seconds ago.

Jaden stared at me for a moment, hesitant, but finally walked to me and hugged me. 'I'm sorry.' He whispered. 'I'm so, so sorry.' He began stroking my hair. 'I shouldn't have gotten jealous. I shouldn't have yelled. I shouldn't have made you cry.'

I buried my head into his shoulder. 'I love you.' I whispered.

'I love you too.' He whispered back, kissing my head.

And I was happier in that moment than I had ever been in my entire life. The shortest argument but the best outcome.

I didn't have to confront Max, but I would anyway. I couldn't have him flirting with me. One because I hated it, and two because I didn't want Jaden getting jealous again.

We stood there for a while, just hugging. The deal was I'd stay here tonight, go to school with him tomorrow, and then go home from school tomorrow afternoon.

As the clock ticked over to announce that it was 11 o'clock, Jaden pulled away.

'We'd better go to bed.' He told me. 'We have to be up early tomorrow.'

'Oh. Yeah.' I said.

'I don't want to leave you alone, though.' He admitted. 'I feel awful for cutting you off today, and I want to make up for it somehow.'

'Then don't leave me alone.' I told him. 'Stay with me.'

'If you want.'

'I do. I really, really do.'

'Come on then.' He smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked to his bedroom.

We walked in the room and Jaden switched on the light. He began putting the camp bed away and I climbed into his bed.

'Well. Isn't this comfortable?' I asked, a slight smile on my face.

'Yeah. And it'll be warm with both of us in it.' He smiled brightly at me, and I returned the smile.

He finished putting the bed away and walked over to me, climbing in the bed next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me as close to him as possible, and, to me, it still didn't seem close enough.

I cuddled into him and we fell asleep hugged tightly together for warmth and comfort.

I was at the happiest point in my life in this moment, and wished it would last forever.

But far to early...


...The alarm woke us up.

I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes, as Jaden turned off the alarm.

I yawned and we both climbed out of the bed.

He went into the bathroom first while I got my uniform sorted for school. It was in a bag that my mum had packed, that had also contained my toothbrush, my deodorant, shower gel and so on. When I pulled out my uniform I found a small envelope. I opened it and there was a note, and something else.

The note simply read Safety First and the something else, I saw, was a condom.

There's my mum. Always thinking of me, but not knowing me in the slightest.


I had to stop there. Sorry but my mind just went blank after that. I'll continue when I can think properly =P. Until then, have fun reading other things =P.

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