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The last anyone had heard from her, Perci was in Alaska. The only one she attempted to keep in contact over the summer was her brother, Harry Potter. Fred had sent many letters. Although, all of them were sent back unopened. She had told Harry that she didn't want to speak to anyone apart from him. Harry had relayed the message to the Weasley's through a letter. Most of them understood why neither of the two Potters wanted to talk to anyone. They had just lost the last of their family. They needed some time. Though, Fred felt as if she was ignoring him for some other reason.

Harry sat in the subway station, awaiting the arrival of his sister, whom of which he hadn't seen for weeks. They decided, with the approaching school year, they should catch up. Harry looked over at the billboard across the tracks. "Tonight make a little magic with your man." A pretty model looked sensually at him, holding a petite bottle of perfume. The little side café shook as the train flew past them. The next time Harry looked over at the billboard a woman with a small stature stood there, her hands in her pockets and her hood covering her face. She looked around before walking calmly across the tracks. She pulled open the door and sat down at Harry's table. The woman pulled down her hood and grinned at Harry.

Perci looked older, regal. She looked as if she had come from a party. Her green eyes that turned more and more like his every day popped from the dark smoky make-up she wore. She had on a black shirt, jeans, and a beat up, fimiliar jacket. She had somehow made it look mature and even beautiful.

"Perci," Harry laughed. They got up and hugged tightly before taking their seats. Perci raised her hand and a barista came over to their table with a small notepad.

"Hello, what would you like today?" She said while eyeing Harry out of the corner of her eye.

Perci gave her a smile and kicked her brother from under the table to stop looking at her. "Hey, may I have a black coffee with the milk boiling, please?" The barista nodded and gave Harry a long look before going to the back. Harry stared after her with a small smirk. When he looked back at his sister she had an eyebrow raised. "She pretty," was all she said before the barista came back with her coffee.

Harry flushed, grinning. He nodded at her outfit and make-up. She looked down. "Oh, a friend of mine got married today. I was his best woman. I don't know if you remember him–Nico." Harry shook his head. She took a sip of her scalding hot coffee, the temperature not affecting her at all. "How is, er, everyone?" Perci asked.

Harry raised a brow this time. "You mean how is Fred?" Perci blushed, but nodded. "He's not doing very well. He's stressed, worrying about you and about his and George's new joke shop." Harry frowned at her expression. "What happened between the two of you before you left?"

"They finally opened their joke shop, eh?" She laughed nervously. Harry crossed his arms. She fiddled with her coffee cup.

"You hate coffee." Harry said gently.

Perci nodded and swiftly wiped a tear off her cheek. "It reminds me of him. The warmth."

Harry put his hand on hers. "Why don't you visit him or at least write back?"

Perci shook her head furiously and spilt her coffee. The barista came over and cleaned it up. Perci fidgeted anxiously. "I-I can't. Too dangerous after what I did. After I killed that man." She took a shaky breath. "Did you know he had a family? Two kids and a wife."

"Perci, you did what you had to do. He chose this life." Harry said. "You, me, and Fred are the only ones that know, right? How could it be dangerous for you to see him?"

"Bellatrix knows." Perci muttered. Harry flinched. He didn't want to talk about her; he didn't want to know the thing that woman did to his sister. "I'm sure she's told Voldemort. I can't–I won't risk him for my selfish needs."

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