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Perci stormed down the boys' dormitory stairs in a rush, blinding pushing past people and taking off articles of her clothing; she was hot–burning up. Hermione and Ginny stared at her in confusion as she passed them. The look in Perci's eyes instantly made them get up and follow. The girl's eyes were glowing a bright orange.

Perci finally found her prize after minutes of searching, however; it felt like endless hours, hours that would never end, hours that made every bone and muscle in her body ache. Ache for Romilda. By the time Perci found her, her eyes were back to normal and she was down to no socks, a hiked up skirt, and unbuttoned shirt, she had thrown her sweater at some astounded third year. Hermione and Ginny were hurrying after her, picking up her clothes.

"Perci, wait! What's going on?" Hermione yelled after her. She quickly grabbed Perci's sweater of the third year and hurried after her.

The fourth year girl was sitting with her group of friends whispering and giggling. They all crowded around Romilda like she was a queen. Perci thought she was–no!, she knew she was, she corrected herself.

"I can't wait to see the look on Potter's face when he realizes he's in love with me! The Chosen One in love with me!" Romilda laughed in what should sounded like an evil laugh to Perci, but to her, it sounded like bells and song birds and happiness.

When Perci came to stand in front of the group, they all looked up and froze, the chittering ceasing. They had all heard the rumors about Perci Jackson–now Potter. They were scared little first years during the Triwizard Tournament, and then scared little second years when she was accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend Cedric Diggory. Though, now they were old enough to understand that Voldemort had murdered the handsome Hufflepuff and that Perci was still the hot, dangerous, intimidating 7th year. That's what anyone who didn't know her thought. Those close to her knew the real Perci.  This group of fourth years did not know the real Perci Potter.

"Romilda Vane?" Perci questioned the group. A petite girl, maybe a little shorter than Perci, scooted forward with a hesitant look on her face; maybe the older girl knew she was trying to Perci stared at the girl and grinned. "I liked the chocolates, sweetheart," she purred. Romilda's eyes widened immediately gathering what had happened. From the haughty look in Perci's eyes, Romilda could tell that she had eaten the enchanted chocolates she had left for Harry. She had spiked the candies with love potion she bought from Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Romilda gulped heavily and looked back at her friends. They were all staring at Perci with wide eyes.

Hermione and Ginny had finally pushed through the crowded common room to find Perci standing with a scared looking fourth year Hermione recognized as Romilda Vane. She suddenly remembered how she knew the girl: she had been talking to Harry in the library about dates for Slughorn's Christmas Party when he had glanced over at the fourth year. Hermione had told him not to be ridiculous and that she was trying to smuggle him a love potion. Perci was staring intensely at Romilda, like the girl was her prey.

Hermione's eyes widened and she scowled. She pulled Ginny over, "I think Perci had some kind of love potion."

Ginny frowned. "What? She seems fine to me," she mused, dropping Perci's clothes and stretching her arms. "I mean she takes off her clothes all the time. Especially when she's drunk. Maybe she got into Filtch's liquors again."

Hermione shook her head. "No, she hasn't drunk anything since her second fifth year. She can't be–" Hermione looked back at Perci whom was inching closer and closer to Romilda. "We need to get her out of here before she does something," Hermione concluded. Ginny nodded as she watched Perci grab Romilda's tie and bring her forward.

Hermione and Ginny grabbed each side of Perci and pulled her away from the wide-eyed fourth year girl. Perci let go of the tie and growled at them. "What the hell? Let go of me!"   Perci struggled to get out of their grasp and back to Romilda. The two girls struggled to keep hold of Perci.

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