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Perci sat on her bed, maybe for the last time, staring at a moving photograph in her hands. It was her favorite. She stood with her three best friends: Fred, George, and Lee Jordan after their first quidditch win. It was an incredible feeling. They laughed and danced and celebrated, even though it was rainy and cold outside. They didn't care. They were kids. Those kids still had their whole lives ahead of them. So much had changed since then. Perci herself had become a different person. She wasn't sure if it was a good change or a bad change, though.

She ran a finger across Fred's gleaming face. Even then, he stared at her the same way he looked at her now. Had he always felt like that for her? He was happier then, though. Perci knew that. She could see it in his eyes. She made him miserable sometimes, but so did he to her. Wasn't that a downside to love? No, she couldn't think about him. Perci needed to get her mind off of Fred. But that was the problem; he was all she thought about most of the time.

Harry stood by the doorway, looking at his sister stare at that picture. He hated seeing her hurt. He walked up behind her and sat on the bed. "You know what you need?" He rhetorically asked. "A distraction." Harry finished. "You need something to take your mind off of Fred, off of everything. Quidditch, maybe? Or a new hobby?" He began to list off suggestions. Perci appreciated him trying. He was right, though. Perci smiled and turned. She hugged Harry tightly. Perci's hugs were always his favorite, that is, besides Ginny's. His expression turned sour just thinking about Ginny and her new boyfriend, Michael Corner. What the hell kind of name is Michael Corner?

Perci smiled, pulling away. "Maybe you need one, too. D'you know what else you need? A damn shower." She laughed. "You smell like shit."

Harry rolled his eyes with a small smile. "Whatever," he said. "We're leaving in a few minutes. Better get down there. Mrs. Weasley waits for no one." He headed out of the room and bounded down the staircase. Perci pulled on her jacket and gathered her trunk and books. She made her way to the doorway and stopped. She looked back at the room. Perci had a nagging feeling that she wouldn't be seeing this room for a while. She shook the feeling off and turned the lights out before walking slowly down the stairs and to the front door where everyone was waiting.

"Ron! We're leaving come on!" Arthur yelled up the stairs. Ron flew down the steps new Quidditch gear in his arms. He grinned as he stuffed them into his trunk.

"Sorry, forgot these." He gave Harry a sideways grin. "I'm trying out for the team this year." Harry nodded and followed everyone out of the house, shaking his head at Ron's subtlety. They all squeezed into the magic car and headed off to the train station.

It was extremely crowded. Perci had almost forgotten the familiar feeling of being pushed to the ground my crazy parents, but luckily she soon experienced it again. Only a few people seemed to recognize her. Maybe it was her haircut, or lack of? Or it could've been that she was two years older than she was in the picture the Ministry used for her WANTED poster. The people that did recognize her, quickly scurried off and pulled their children from her sights. Now she knows how Harry must've felt last year. Molly and Arthur said a quick goodbye, but not before Arthur pulled Perci aside.

"Take care of our family, Perci. You're the oldest. They're your responsibility now." He said. "And take care of yourself." He pulled Perci into a warm hug and sent her off to the train.

His wife came up beside him. "Everything alright, dear?" She asked.

Arthur smiled down at her and grabbed her small hand. He looked back up at the train. "Everything is going to be just fine, Molls. Come on, let's go home."


Perci had received all the same treatment from the parents in the station from the students on the train. Most of them stared at her or hurried away from her. Only the Gryffindor's welcomed her back with open arms. With them it was as if nothing had happened in the past year. Perci laid her trunk and books in her compartment with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She promised to be right back, only leaving to get a few snacks from the trolley.

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