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It was a quiet day in Camp Half Blood. Well, as quiet a day at a camp for demigod children of Greek gods and goddesses can be. Andrew awoke at precisely 7 in the morning like he always did. He was always one of the first to make it to the mess hall. Jason and Nico, the newly married couple usually joined him around 7:30. Piper came in after them, always alone since Leo had died and Jason was with Nico. Jason had decided to stay with his husband at Camp Half Blood for a year before they would start their life in New Rome at Camp Jupiter. Andrew was glad they were happy. The four of them usually Iris Messaged Reyna, Hazel, and Frank at around 8:30. It was nice to see them all happy and doing well. Mostly everyone was happy, Andrew noticed.

He couldn't help but feel jealous of their happiness. The war had taken a lot from them, but they were all happy now–they were okay. Andrew was okay, in a sense. He wasn't physically injured, but his mental and emotional strength hung by a thread ever since Tartarus. He was alone in that hell just like Nico was. At least Nico had Jason to help him though the night terrors and the visions. The only person Andrew wanted comfort from was in a whole different country.

Perci's Iris messages had become less and less frequent and her letters nonexistent. Andrew had no idea if she was even alive. He hadn't seen her since the summer. That was a few months ago. A lot could happen in a few months. They left each other in an odd place. Andrew had mistakenly kissed her. Well, not mistakenly. He had meant to do it for a while. She had accepted the kiss, even kissed him back. But when it was over she had said her heart belonged to another, that it would always belong to that person.

Andrew had been hurt, but he got over the pain in his chest. He pushed himself into finding out who the person was. She hadn't specifically said it was a man, so he thought that it was maybe a woman. Perci had expressed to him her attraction to women along with men. The female lover trail had died the second she told Andrew the name.


What kind of name was Fred? Was he 50 years old with large amounts of cats? What was Fred even short for? Fredrick? Fredmond? Alfred? Andrew didn't take it that well. After screaming at her for leading him on, he stormed off to the practice arena and shredded a couple of dummies. Andrew didn't see her the rest of the time she was at Camp. Andrew knew he needed to apologize. He acted like an irrational child. He asked Chiron everyday where she was, and he said she was training. Training for what? She wasn't a demigod anymore. Was she in danger? Andrew thought by going to that magic school she would stay out of trouble. From what he heard, she was right in the middle of it.

Andrew said goodbye to his friends and headed off to the archery range. He had a class to teach and wanted to set up early. Andrew scanned his schedule for his 9-10:30 archery class and groaned. The Aphrodite cabin. Piper had taught him not to underestimate children of Aphrodite, but Andrew had come to learn that Silena Beauregard and Piper McLean were two in a million. Most Aphrodite children were decent with a sword or dagger, but with a bow and arrow? They were horrid. Andrew often feared for his life during those classes.


Andrew got through the hour and a half unscathed surprisingly. He had to dodge a few stray arrows, but nothing too dangerous. Andrew pulled the arrows that barely made it onto the target and threw them into a pile. He trashed the arrows that were broken in half and the ones that smelled like some kind of hair product. Andrew huffed, tired and sweating from all of the up and down motion. He squinted, searching the grounds for anymore arrows. He spotted some by the border on the other side of Peleus.

"How the Hades did they get all the way over there?" He muttered to himself. Andrew didn't understand why he had to teach archery. Why couldn't one of the Apollo kids do it? It was beginning to irritate him. He sighed and headed over to the border, trudging up Half Blood Hill. He grabbed every last arrow he saw before petting Peleus, the dragon, on the foot. Peleus was there to guard the Golden Fleece that was wrapped around Thalia's tree. The dragon coiled himself around the tree protectively.

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