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Perci had visited Edgar Roy's family over the summer. She couldn't help it; the guilt was overwhelming. She needed some kind of closure. And she thought seeing the family of the man she killed doing well might help.

His murder was covered up, and seemingly didn't matter since he worked for Lord Voldemort. It didn't appear in the Prophet. No one talked about it. His family were the only ones who cared. Perci found out where they lived with the help of Andrew and Leo's skills put together. Andrew wanted to come with her for support, but Perci knew she needed to do it alone. She also didn't want Andrew to see her possibly break down. She was still the leader of Camp Half-Blood–she didn't need anyone to see their leader weak.

Perci, dressed in winter robes, knocked on the Roy family's front door with a shaky breath. After a moment a little boy with light brown hair and blue eyes opened the door, with an innocent smile. His eyes flashed, confusion dancing in them. "Momma! Some lady is here," he called.

Perci's heart thudded in her chest, waiting for Roy's wife to come to the door. Perci glanced around. Maybe she could get out before the woman saw her. She had no idea what she was going to do, what she was going to say. The boy looked exactly like his father. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. He haunted Perci. The boy turned around, and went to find his mother. Perci looked around, and spotted a picture of the family. They all looked so happy. Perci tore that happiness away from them. She could hear the light footfalls of who, Perci assumed, to be the wife. Perci caught one glimpse of her face, and erupted into flames before flying away from the small house.

She felt like a coward. She wasn't sure what had come over her. Perci couldn't go back, though. Seeing those two made the guilt grow. What if that had been her? What if it were her son that was left fatherless? What if it were her, a widow, that now had to solely provide for her family? Her husband, the love of her life, gone, not waking up to his side every morning? Perci couldn't imagine the pain she had caused them. Though, Perci could imagine the pain Edgar Roy had caused many families. That was one of the only things that kept her sane.

Perci had killed people before. In the Titan War she had killed many demigods that had sided with Luke and Kronos. She also practically killed Luke, handing him the knife that would end his life. However, this death felt different. Guilt consumed her.

Chiron hadn't allowed her to leave the camp for a whole month. He offered to help her, and help he did. Andrew had spent a lot of  time with her. He was a very good distraction from everything. Perci could not call him from Hogwarts to ask him to come over, though. She needed a new distraction, but she didn't want one. There was only one person she wanted and she couldn't have him. It made her miserable.

Weeks went by, all the same as the first few days. Perci continued to help Slughorn teach the Potions class. She was glad she got an opportunity like that. Dean continued to "bump into her". They talked a lot. He liked to draw her, even the little things. Perci enjoyed being able to just sit and listen to him talk as he drew her. He was able to take her mind of some things. Dean was quite the artist. Perci also continued to see Edgar Roy, in her imagination and nightmares. At times she would awake in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, screaming. Roy followed her everywhere. It was beginning to drive her insane. She hadn't told anyone. She thought about Iris messaging Chiron. She, every so often, thought about sending Sirius an owl, but then she remembered what happened, and feels a small pang in her heart.

Perci's favorite time of the year was fast approaching– Quidditch season. The magical sport was the only thing she had been looking forward to. Just thinking about it got her through the dreadful school day and copious piles of homework, that she only attempted and then begged Hermione do help her.

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