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A/N: sorry that this is so long, but I needed to get every part of it in this one chapter. I do not own anything. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

It had been two weeks since Gryffindor beat Slytherin 140-0 minus Harry's points for catching the Snitch. The hype of the win had finally died down, as did the magnitude of the glares every single Gryffindor player received. Two weeks since Harry caught Perci and Fred on the balcony. He hated the idea of her sister alone with any boy, but it just had to be Ginny's brother. This was the few days of school before the holiday break, and Harry couldn't be more excited to go back to the Burrow. He was excited to spend Christmas with the Weasley's again. Harry was also slightly excited for the Christmas ball Slughorn was having tomorrow night, though he was having trouble finding a date. As of now, he was in the Library with an irritable Hermione. She and Ron wouldn't be caught in the same room, so Harry had to hang out with them separately. It was beginning to get ridiculous.

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes," Hermione huffed, walking toward Harry with a book in her hand. "I really couldn't care less." Harry could obviously see through that lie. "Was I under the impression that he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes." She paused and pushed a book back onto the shelf. "Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements."

Harry had an idea. Maybe since he and Ginny couldn't go together and Ron and Hermione couldn't, then maybe he and Hermione could go together. "Have you?" He asked.

Hermione turned to him. "Yes, why?"

"Well, I was thinking since we couldn't go with people we really want to go with, we could go together. As friends." Harry explained leaning against a shelf.

Hermione grew red and ran a hand through her bushy hair. She groaned. "Why didn't I think of that?" Harry thought about answering, but figured the question was rhetorical and an answer would only piss the witch off more.

Harry narrowed his eyes. "Who're you going with?"

Hermione reddened even further and shuffled her feet. "It's, er, a surprise." Harry could only imagine who she would bring. It couldn't be worse than Viktor Kirk who she attended the Yule Ball with during the Triwizard Tournament two years ago. "Anyway, it's you we've got to worry about." Hermione leaned closer to him. "You can't just take anyone. See that girl over there?" She asked nodding her head to the curly haired girl sitting in the corner, staring at Harry. Harry nodded. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion."

Harry rose a brow, a grin spreading across his face. "Really?" He asked, eyeing her. Hermione scowled and snapped her fingers in his face.

"Hey! She's just interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One."

Harry smirked wider. "But I am the Chosen One." Hermione's scowl deepened and she hit him over the head with her Potions essay. Harry blinked. "Okay, okay, sorry. Kidding. Er, I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool," Harry said uncertainly. He racked his brain for girls he liked that were also cool and came up blank. He and Hermione continued to research their Potions essay in the library until it became difficult to keep their eyes open. They agreed to meet up tomorrow to discuss dates for the party. Hermione said he needed to find one before lunch tomorrow. Harry told her even though he was the Chosen One and would be the one to kill Voldemort, he couldn't do the impossible and find a date that fast.


Harry looked around his double Potions class with Ravenclaw for potential dates. Harry glanced over at the Patil sister, but knew they would never go with him again after the Yule Ball in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry looked at the other Gryffindor and Ravenclaw girls but he didn't feel like he would be comfortable with any of them. Then his eyes found Luna Lovegood. She was odd, and nonstop talked about weird things, but she was nice and they were friends. Harry finished his potion and nervously walked up to Luna. Luna could see him before he was even close to her table, though.

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