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When Perci got back, it was late. She wasn't sure how long she was with Fred and George, they lost track of time. She assumed she must've been there for hours since she left when classes where still going on and returned at 3:00 in the morning. Perci quietly took off her jacket, not wanting to wake the other girls who were sleeping soundly, and changed into pajamas. She slipped into bed, dreading sleep, for she knew the nightmares would come. However, that was the first night in a long time where Perci didn't have one.


Perci sat sleepily at her desk in the Potions room, flipping through a scrapbook Sirius had given her. She watched the pictures, not feeling anything. She had yet to put her memories back in her head. She wanted to wait, and watch them with Harry, but she was getting tired of constantly not feeling anything when Harry mentioned them. They were her memories and she had every right to have them back, but she felt the need to share them with her brother. Perci flipped to a certain page. It was a picture of her, Lily, James, and Harry. She assumed they were trying to take a family Christmas photo–it was snowing lightly outside. They were standing in front of a church. Perci wondered if she would've been Christian if Sally hadn't taken her away and introduced her to the Greek gods. She looked to be about 2. Perci realized this must've been taken around the time Sally had taken her and her parents had died. James was rocking her back and forth, laughing. Perci had his glasses on and was giggling profusely. Lily was trying to calm down a crying Harry. It was slightly chaotic. Perci smiled, imagining how that must've felt.

She was snapped out of her wondering by a large cauldron being slammed down on her desk. Above her stood Dean, who refused to meet her gaze. Perci rolled her eyes and looked into his cauldron full of Essence of Dittany. It was a purplish color which immediately signaled to Perci that Dean had incorrectly brewed the potion. Perci pulled out her wand and made a small incision on her palm. She dipped it in the potion. If he had even a little bit correctly made it, her skin would've grown back and the wound cease to exist. When Perci pulled it out, her hand was green. She sighed and healed her hand and gave Dean his grade.

"For starters, the color should be brown. Also, it's should've healed me, so..." Perci trailed off awkwardly. Dean looked down at his grade and sauntered off without a word. Perci groaned and ran a hand through her hair. Before she could move on to the next brew, Dean was back with a medium sized frame. He put it on her desk, faced down.

"That was what I was going to show you in the Room of Requirement. Probably not what you were thinking." He laughed humorlessly. "I probably would've kissed you, though, so thank God that didn't happen." Perci felt a small pang in her chest. "If your intentions aren't pure, then let me be." With that he walked away from her, leaving Perci speechless. She flipped the frame over and sighed. It was the painting of her by the Womping Willow. Dean had taken her out and set up a picnic there. He begged her to let him paint her. It was the first time he drew her. Perci smiled lightly at it, it was beautiful. On the back of the frame it was signed, 'Thank you for making this semester one of the best. Yours, D.T.'.

Harry came up behind her. "What's that?"

Perci jumped and placed the frame on the table. "Oh, er, a gift." Harry rose an eyebrow before giving her his cauldron. "Why do I even need to check yours? I know you did it all right with that book."

Harry sighed. "I know you don't approve–"

Perci lowered her voice to a whisper. "Harry, I looked up that spell, Sectumsempra, and it's a nasty one. It's like an invisible sword. It slashes deep cuts across the victims body, causing them to bleed to death." Harry shuffled uncomfortably. "Whomever made that spell, isn't the kind of person you should be learning from. It's dangerous."

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