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They landed in long, soppy grass. Harry, not being at all graceful, fell on his ass in a puddle. Perci stood steady on her feet, her coffee still in her hand. Did she have it this old time? She looked around and when her eyes fell on the burrow she threw her coffee to the ground and yelled in irritation. "God dammit, Dumbledore!" She yelled at the sky. "Made me sit in a damn loo for 10 minutes." She murmured. Perci sighed and bent her knees, as if she was going to kick off.

Harry frowned. "What're you doing?" He asked.

"Leaving. I can't be here." She said.

Harry grabbed her by the arm. "Dumbledore wanted us to go here for some reason. We're going to have to trust him." He reasoned.

She seemed to contemplate this, but then shook her head. "I'm not going to put them in–"

"Perci, I doubt anyone knows where you are. The last place they would check would be here. I mean, why would you be here? You ditched them!" He raised his voice. "You ditched me! You were completely selfish. It didn't matter what everyone had sacrificed for you to be here. You threw us away!" He grit his teeth. He let go of Perci's arm, blood now caked under his finger nails.

All Perci did was stare at him. She didn't even notice the bloody half moon marks on her forearm. He was right, wasn't he? "I am selfish. I get that." She sighed, her shoulders slumping. She debated the consequences of staying with the Weasley's. Maybe the Death Eaters didn't know where she was. Maybe she could just– "Fine," Perci said. Harry nodded and the two headed out of the swampy grass toward the Burrow.

Perci's heart thumped loudly as she opened the door of the house. She could hear the Weasley's yelling all around the house. She saw her Hogwarts trunk and books sitting by Harry's trunk and Hedwig in the sitting room. Harry went over to greet Ginny. They must've found out he was there. Perci could hear shrill yells and cries of happiness, mostly coming from Mrs. Weasley. Perci felt awkward in the small, cluttered house. She alway felt at home in the Burrow, but things were different now. Perci took a deep breath and straightened out her clothes. She walked slowly from out of the living room and stood behind Harry.

"Oh, Dumbledore! That man!" Molly laughed. "What would we do without him?" She clapped her hands and gave Harry another hug. She let go of him after her eyes found Perci. She stood awkwardly behind him, shifting from one foot to the other. Molly stared at her for a minute.

Perci could feel the tension in the room. She could also feel Molly's eyes on her. Was she upset? Disgusted? Disappointed? Perci took a shaky breath. "Hey," was all she could choke out. She wanted to leave, to save herself the embarrassment and hurt of not being welcomed back into the Weasley family. However, Molly had other ideas. She rushed forward and enveloped Perci into the biggest hug she had ever received. She held onto Perci for dear life, not wanting her to leave again. Perci had no problem with that; she missed her mother-figure.

"Okay, Mum, give her a few minutes to breathe." Ron said, rolling his eyes with a small smile. They all finished greeting each other, hugging and laughing after several minutes. Molly brought both Potters over to the living room and sat ten on the couch. The only inhabitants of the house at the time: Ron, Hermione, and Ginny joined Molly and the two siblings in the living room.

They stared at each other until Molly broke the silence. "So, Perci," her motherly instincts kicking in, "where have you been?"

Perci sipped on her cup of tea. She glanced at everyone in the room nervously for help, but they all shook their heads with little grins, knowing she was going to get chewed out. "Er, first I went to New York and then California for sometime. After that I stayed in Alaska for a few weeks. I've been in and out of London. Just got back from a wedding in the States."

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