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"I don't need you to carry me, Fred. I am perfectly capable of walking on my own," Perci indignantly growled, her arms crossed and lip jutted out, pouting as Fred carried her up the winding steps of the Astronomy Tower. Fred just rolled his eyes at her, earning a smack upside the head.

"I know you are capable of many things, you git, but it doesn't mean you have to do them. Will you please let me do this incredibly romantic gesture? I am almost literally breaking my back for the love of my life."

Perci snorted and relaxed in Fred's long, surprisingly muscular arms, muttering, "I'm not that heavy" indignantly. Must've been all of those years as a Beater. Perci didn't know what she was thinking, not immediately jumping Fred after first seeing him swing that bat. Back then, though, the only person on her mind besides that one Ravenclaw girl was–

Cedric. It had been so long since her mind had last wandered to him. He was her first love. Perci would probably always miss him, think about him at random moments or when something reminded her of him. But he wasn't her true love, not the love of her oddly long life as a demigoddess, well ex-demigoddess technically. Fred, her Fred, was. Even if she had not realized it a couple years ago like Fred wished she had, it was the one thing Perci was completely sure of.

Fred snapped her back to reality as he set her gently down on the ledge overlooking the grounds. He pulled out a bag of licorice wands and chomped down on one loudly, grinning at her with his mouth full. Perci rolled her eyes but chuckled. She sat her head back against the wall of the brick ledge and closed her eyes, taking in the crisp air and sunlight. She had been locked up in the hospital wing for days, someone always with her, watching her. It was usually Fred or Harry. Sometimes Ginny and Hermione would stop in and relieve the two boys of their duty for a couple hours, allowing Fred could apparate back home and clean himself up, grab a couple things he needed. She hadn't been allowed to leave, but Fred sneaked her up to the Astronomy Tower for a little break.

Perci genuinely tried to relax for more than a couple seconds. She knew she needed to take some time and just breathe and not think about anything, she knew Fred needed this too. Perci knew her boyfriend was incredibly stressed after her whole kind-of-near-death experience. Perci scoffed in her head, near death experience. There was no way Perci was going to let herself die at school. Although she loved Hogwarts, it was the place she had (previously) felt the safest, not even Camp Half-Blood topped it, but she still did not enjoy the school work, the hours of studying and writing essays. Lately though, Perci had never felt more terrified in the castle, though.

Perci blinked hard as if that would force her thoughts of the previous week away. However every time she closed her eyes, Perci could see Bellatrix's black eyes dart across her body before she took a big chunk out of her neck. Rude, Perci growled. She shivered despite feeling herself slowly heat up. She pushed herself up, a groan escaping her sore throat. Fred went to grab her, scared she'd fall forward and over the balcony of the astronomy tower.

"I'm alright, I promise."

Fred raised a brow. "Really? Because you like absolute shit, Perce."

Perci turned toward him, cocking her head to the side with a playful smirk. "Huh, thanks for the encouraging words, darling."

Fred shrugged, smiling confidently, licorice wand chunks stuck in his teeth. "It's a good thing I've got enough pretty for the both of us."

"You've also got enough bitchiness for the both of us right now, I appreciate you picking up my slack in my time of weakness."

Fred let out a laugh as Perci stood up fully. He cautiously let her go, allowing her to stand on her own for the first time since the whole debacle. "What can I say? I'm just helpful like that."

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