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Perci sat in Snape's office, her feet crossed on the top of his immaculately organized desk. Her head lolled from side to side humming mindlessly as she waited for Snape to return with McGonagall. Perci glanced up at the large clock above his desk and growled.

"Waiting for 15 minutes, fucking tosser." She muttered looking around at the shelves lined with jars of pickled animal and plant bits, eyeballs, thick looking liquids. "Taking away from potential napping time. Ridiculous."

Perci arose from her seat and walked around Snape's office. Perci scanned the shelves and cupboards, pulling out drawers but immediately slamming them shut when some creature would try jumping out at her. She strode to the corner of the room where a tall cupboard sat. Perci gently pulled open the doors, flinching, waiting for something to pop out at her, portentously a dead body to fall on her. She let out a breath and opened her eyes when nothing moved. Her eyes racked over the shelves stocked full of various vials, picking one up. She examined the cloudy vial, swirling the greenish-white liquid around. She looked under the vial and saw a label: Armadillo Bile, 1994, was written very carefully in a slanted script. Perci frowned, familiar, she thought.

Perci placed it back gently in its holder and picked up another container. This also held a liquid; Perci wiped off the dust, getting a better look at the red liquid. It shone as the light from the torch beside her hit it, becoming a deep scarlet. Blood? She turned the vial over, Ptolemy, 1988. Perci put it back in the cupboard slowly and closed the doors. There must've been hundreds of tiny little bottles full of unique substances Snape must use for his personal potions. Perci made mental note to come back and maybe swipe a couple in the back, a potion-lover's dream.

She moved onto Snape's large oak desk, pulling his plush looking chair out and sinking into it, once again putting her feet up. Bored. Perci rolled her eyes. She was bored out of her mind. What could possibly be taking Snape so long? Did McGonagall turn into a cat and run off or something? She couldn't be that fast to where Snape had to hike up his thick, black robes and run after her.

Perci looked down and twirled the emerald ring on her finger, blushing as the Always gleamed. No, her ring wasn't what was gleaming. Perci scooted her chair back a little bit allowing her to duck her head under the desk, getting closer to the box of shining objects. She gripped the edge and pulled, grunting at the uncomfortable position and the weight of the box. She pulled it up and sat the box on the desk, taking out one of the items. More vials. But this time instead of a dense goop or sloshing liquid, a sort of swirling, airy silver substance twirled in the vial. Perci frowned. A memory. She was quite familiar with this substance after finally retrieving hers from the Ministry the previous year. She turned the vial upside down, hoping that Snape used the same labeling technique as he did with his potion ingredients.

Perci's shoulders slumped forward, seeing no label. She pushed vials aside, cringing at the sudden noise when they clattered against each other. Perci shivered as her hand seemed to guide itself toward two vials that were separate from the rest. The silvery substance glimmered brighter as she touched them. Perci hissed at their heat as she grabbed the vials and stuffed them in her robes. She quickly tidied up the vials and slid the box back to where it was before, palming her two in her pocket protectively. She wasn't sure why, but Perci felt a tug in her chest that drew her to those particular memories. She was anxious to see what they held.

It was another fifteen minutes before Perci was jolted awake from a too-short nap. Snape and McGonagall strode through the dungeon doors and into the office, Snape immediately scowling at her and flicking his wand at her. His chair screeched against the ground as it flew back a couple feet. Perci stuck her tongue out but removed herself from his previous desk.

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