chapter 2

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I was right.

I had to walk from the first floor

To the third floor, to get the

Elevator to go all the way to the

god damn fifth floor.

"What the hell is this type of

mansion, if the elevator isn't

I ask myself.

I quickly got my note pad and

Pen out of my bag to jot down

Views to give to the boss about these

stinking elevators.

Of course not I wouldn't use the

Word stinking, I wouldn't want

To get fired before I'm even

Hired. I'm waiting until I actually
get the job.

As I approached the third floor

I realize that the elevator was closing

And I didn't wanted to wait

because I might have to walk all

The way to the fifth floor,

because it appears to me

That everything malfunction in

This mansion.

In the elevator I went.

Couple seconds in the elevator

I started thinking. Not paying

too much attention to the inside of the elevator.

What if I got stuck in the elevator?

I thought rhetorically.

"What if I got stuck?"

I've had a history where being

Lock up in a enclose area always freak me out.

"Oh crap", I grasped beneath my breath.

"Omg! omg!" I shouted on top of

My voice. "I'm gonna die" I said

Like a crazy woman.

I was seriously losing it.

Immediately I start getting

flashes of an experience where

I've never told any one about.

That part of my life is hidden so

far down. No one will ever reach.

I just don't know what happened so suddenly that have cause these flashes.

I managed to clam myself down.

"Woman are you nuts?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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