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***I know the first few chapters are bad but please keep reading I promise you it gets better and the chapters get longer as well❤️

(This is Emma)

Emma's POV

My name is Emma and I'm 15. I live in New Jersey with my mom and my dad died 2 years ago from a car accident. I have a little brother named Jacob and he is 4 years old. We used to live in L.A. but we moved here because my mom got a job here.

I was currently at school and I was heading to first period which was French. I was excited because my crush, Grayson Dolan, was in this class. I've liked him since 8th grade and I'm sure he doesn't even know I exist.

I was walking in the hallway when I felt something on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw Ethan smiling at me. Ethan is Grayson's twins brother btw. I smiled back at him because he's my best friend. We started talking about random stuff until I entered the classroom. I looked around the room and I saw him with his beautiful hazel eyes. Ethan is cute but Grayson is just so perfect. I got to my seat and I sat down. When first period was over I started to walk out the door when someone ran into me and made me drop my books. It was Grayson. He looked at me in the eyes but he didn't say anything. I got on the floor to pick up my things and Grayson did too.

"Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking to where I was going and-" He said.

"It's okay Grayson" I laughed, cutting him off.

"Here you dropped this" He said handing me my things.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Hey I didn't catch your name" He said smiling at me.

"I'm Emma" I said.

"Well nice to meet you Emma, maybe we could exchange numbers to get to know each other ya know" He said.

"Nice to meet you too and yeah sure" I said.

We exchanged numbers and I was so happy. It was literally the best day of my life. When I got home I saw I had one missed call from Grayson so I called him.

(G=Grayson, M=Me)


M="Um hi it's Emma"

G="Oh hey beautiful" I blushed.

M="Hey so you called me"

G="Oh yeah I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tomorrow after school. Maybe we could go to the movies?"

M="Yeah of course!"

G="Great. Well goodnight beautiful"

M="Goodnight Grayson"

Omg I can't believe I'm going to the movies with Grayson Dolan tomorrow. I've been waiting for this my whole life. I went to sleep with a big smile on my face.

502 words.


Hey guys so this is my first fanfic, please don't judge me hahah. I'm french canadian so sorry if there are typos. I hope you guys like it:)

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