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Emma's POV

I just woke up and I am really happy. I've always liked Grayson but he didn't even know I existed until yesterday at school. Each time I went to Ethan's house Grayson would be out somewhere so we never really got to meet each other.

I stared at my closet looking for something to wear tonight. I really wanna look good because I know Grayson will. I was looking through my dresses when I got a text.

Grayson😍: Hey beautiful
Me: Hey Grayson
Grayson😍: At what time do you want me to pick you up?
Me: I don't know whenever you want is fine
Grayson😍: Alright then be ready by 7 princess
Me: Ok see ya later Gray

It was now 5 pm and I started getting ready. I went in the shower for a few minutes and then I got out. I put my clothes on and started drying my hair. I was wearing a demin jacket and a grey shirt with black jeans and my adidas shoes. (pictures above)

It was now 6:55 pm and I was waiting for Grayson to pick me up. Two minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened it I saw him and dang he just looked so hot I could just fuck him right there.

"Hey you ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah just let me get my phone" I said grabbing my phone.

"Ok let's go" I said smiling at him and grabbing his hand. He smiled back at me.

"You look really good tonight princess" I blushed.

"You're not too bad yourself handsome" I said laughing, trying to hide my pink cheeks.

"You know you don't have to hide your face I think it's really cute when you blush because of me" He said opening the car door for me.

"I wasn't blushing" I said blushing even harder.

"Ok then..." He said smirking, getting in the car.

He started to drive and the ride was quiet but it wasn't awkward. Then all of a sudden he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I acted like I didn't care but there were millions of butterflies in my stomach as he did that. We then got to the movies and we held hand the whole time. When he dropped me at my house after our 'date' we talked for a while and then he told me he had to go home because it was getting late. As I was opening the front door, he grabbed my waist and turned me over so I was facing him. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his hot breathe on my face. Then he kissed me. I've never felt like this before. He slowly pulled away and put our foreheads together.

"Emma I had a lot of fun with you tonight" He said.

"Yeah I had fun too" I said smiling like crazy.

"Well goodnight beautiful, see you soon!" He said and then pecked my lips.

"Goodnight Gray" I said walking inside my house.

I think I like Grayson.

540 words.


Sorry for not posting I just completely forgot about this fanfic tbh😂 No one reads it anyway so I mean😂 Comment if you like my fanfic so far😁

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