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Emma's POV

Grayson's hiding something from me and I know it. He is not a good liar at all.

Grayson's POV

I'm gonna surprise Emma today and tell her about the tickets I bought for Hawaii. I am at work right now and I'm heading home. I hope she'll be happy.

"Babe I'm home!" I yelled.

"Hi" She entered the room I was in and pecked my lips.

"How was your day?" I smiled.

"Good, except for the part when Daisy kept crying, it was horrible. But she's asleep now, how about you?" She smiled.

"It was okay, nothing special happened" I shrugged.

We went in the kitchen and Emma continued cooking. I sat on a chair and watched her every move.

"I got a surprise for you" I smiled.

"What is it?" Her face lit up.

I put the two tickets for Hawaii on the counter and watched her reaction. At first she just looked at the two pieces of paper and when she realized what they were she looked up at me and put her hands over her mouth.

"No you didn't" She said, jumping up and down.

"Are you happy?" I smiled.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I am! We're finally gonna get some time for ourselves! Thank you so much I love you" She put her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"I love you more baby" I chuckled and kissed her.

"When are we leaving?" She pulled away and smiled.

"In two days, and Daisy will be staying at my parents' house" I smiled back.

She just smiled and went back to cooking. I'm really excited for this trip.

Ethan's POV

I was sleeping when I heard baby cries. I groaned and got up, walking towards Aiden's small bed. He'll be sleeping in our room for a while because we think he's a little too young to have his own room. Plus, when he cries we don't have to walk that far, his bed is right next to ours.

"Shh it's okay" I took him in my arms and bounced him a little bit.

I didn't think having a baby was so exhausting. Aiden is a week old and all he does is cry. I'm not complaining though, I'm glad to have this baby and I love him more than anything. He's like a younger version of me. Anyways I changed his diaper and he immediately stopped crying so I put him back in his bed and got back in mine. I put my arm around Olivia's belly and pulled her closer to me. I soon fell back asleep.

Grayson's POV

I haven't seen my brother in a while, so I decided to call him. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. It rang two times before he picked up.

"Sup dude"
"Hey do you wanna come to my house like now?"
"Yeah sure what's wrong?"
"Nothing I just wanna see my brother you know"
"Okay then I'll be right there"
"See ya"

I hung up and waited in the living room. Emma was at Olivia's place with Daisy so I was home alone. I turned on the TV and started watching a movie when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

"Hey" Ethan said coming in the living room.

"Hey" I said.

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