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Grayson's POV

I hope Emma isn't pregnant. I do want kids with her, don't get me wrong, but we're too young. A part of me would be happy if she was pregnant, but another part wouldn't be that happy. I just have to get the tests and head back to Emma's house to find out.

I got to the pharmacy and asked the girl behind the counter to give me the tests.

"Hi, could I have 3 pregnancy tests please" I nervously smiled.

"Yeah, here" She handed me the tests.

"Thanks" I paid and left, heading back to my girlfriend's house.

Once I was there, I opened the door without knocking and went up to Emma's room. She was just laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey I'm back" I sat on the bed next to her.

"I'm nervous" She sat up and looked at me.

"I am too baby" I half smiled, handing her the tests.

"I'll be right back" She sighed and got in the bathroom.

She has been in there for 15 minutes now, and I was starting to get worried so I got up and opened the bathroom door. She was sitting on the floor, and she had her head in her hands and I could tell she was crying.

"Baby what did it say?" I hugged her.

"They all said positive" She looked up at me for a second, then looked back down and started crying a little more.

"Shh babe it's gonna be okay, everything is gonna be okay. We'll get through this together" I tried reassuring her.

I wanted to cry too but I knew I had to stay strong for Emma. She needs me to tell her that everything's gonna be fine.

"I'm not ready Grayson" She looked at me with tears falling down her beautiful face.

"I'm not ready either, but we can do this Emma" I dried her tears with my thumb.

I picked her up bridal style and carefully laid her on her bed. We got under the covers and she had her head on my chest. I was playing with her hair and staring at the ceiling.

"I love you, so much" I looked down at her, pecking her lips.

"I love you too" She pulled me closer to her.

"When are we gonna tell our parents" She asked.

"I think we should tell them after your first appointment to the doctors" I said.

She didn't reply. We stayed like that for a while, before it was time for me to leave.

"Shit! Babe I gotta go my mom's looking for me. I love you, stay strong" I kissed her with passion before leaving.

Emma's POV

I need to tell Olivia. She's my best friend, and I could really need a friend right now. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey it's Emma"
"Oh hey girl what's up"
"Can you come to my house like now"
"I'm at Ethan's right now"
"Please it's urgent"
"Ok then, I'll be there in 5"

I'm so scared. I never thought I'd have a baby so young. I'm definitely not ready to be a mother. Talking about mothers, how am I gonna tell mine about me being pregnant? She's gonna freak out. Oh god.

I saw Olivia opening my door and sitting on my bed, next to me.

"Hey what's wrong" She looked at me with concern.

"I'm pregnant" I felt the tears in my eyes again.

"Are you serious?! Oh my god Emma this is amazing! Why are you so sad?" She was excited.

"Because I'm not ready" I looked at her.

"Oh hun you'll be ready, trust me. Now stop with your sad face and let change your mind. We should go shopping" She smiled.

"Olivia I really don't feel-" She interrupted me.

"Get ready, we're going shopping" She said and left my room.

I rolled my eyes and put on some black leggings with one of Grayson's sweatshirts. I got downstairs to see Olivia talking with my mom. I hope she didn't tell her.

"Hey you ready?" My best friend asked me.

"Yeah, bye mom" I waved at her and close the front door.

We got in the car and drove to the mall. We got in and Olivia started shopping like crazy, but I didn't buy anything. I really wasn't feeling like shopping today. I don't wanna get fat. I don't want to be a teenage mom. I wanted to have kids only when I was 25, or even older. I'm still gonna love that baby tho.

When Olivia was done shopping, we went back home and she dropped me off at my house. She kept talking about the baby and it just made me so depressed. What if Grayson and I can't raise that baby. Anyways, I got inside and went in my room. It took me a lot of time to fall asleep that night because I could stop thinking about Grayson and I becoming parents.

Grayson's POV

I'm gonna tell Ethan. I know I can tell him anything and that he's not gonna judge me. I knocked on his door and entered his room. I sat on his bed, not talking.

"What's up bro" He said.

"Can I tell you something" I asked.

"Yeah Gray of course" He said.

"Promise me you're not gonna tell mom and dad" I looked at him.

"I promise" He said.

"Emma's pregnant" I looked down.

"And you're not the father?" He asked, confused.

"What? Of course I am" I frowned.

"Then why do you look so sad" He was still confused.

"Did you hear what I just said? Emma is pregnant, she and I are having a baby. We're gonna be parents" I told him.

"Yes Grayson I heard you" He rolled his eyes.

"I just don't understand why you look so sad. Shouldn't you be happy?" He asked.

"I mean I am happy, but I'm scared. I'm terrified. I'm not ready to raise a kid" I looked at him.

"Well you're gonna have to be, because in 9 months, that beautiful baby of yours is gonna be in your arms" He chuckled.

"I guess so" I got up and left his room.

I hope we'll be ready.

1048 words.

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