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Emma's POV

I woke up and realized Grayson's arm wasn't around me. I turned around to see if he was still with me but he wasn't. I got up and walked downstairs. There he was, making pancakes. I quietly walked up to him and wrapped me arms around his waist.

"Godd morning" I said.

"Good morning babe" He turned around to kiss me, then continued cooking.

I sat at the table and waited for Grayson to finish the pancakes.

"There you go" He smiled, handing me the plate.

"Thanks baby" I pecked his lips.

While we were eating, I received a text from Olivia.

Olivia❤️: Wanna go to a party tonight?
Me: Let me ask Gray
Olivia❤️: Okay

"Hey wanna go to a party tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure why not" He smiled.

Me: Grayson and I are going
Olivia❤️: Great! The party starts at 8:45 pm so be ready
Me: Kay see you later xox

We finished eating and it was 1:30 pm. We were in my room and Grayson was attacking me with kisses.

"Hey I think I'm gonna take a shower" I said getting up.

"Hurry because I'll miss you" He pouted.

I laughed and got in the bathroom, leaving the door open. I undressed myself and got in. I turned on the water and started washing my hair. I then heard some noise in the bathroom so I turned around and I saw Grayson getting undressed.

"What are you doing" I laughed.

"I'm coming with you, I missed you too much" He winked.

I laughed and went back to my hair. I put shampoo in my hand and put it in my hair. Grayson started washingmy hair and I rinced it. I then put conditioner and he did the same thing. Then Grayson took the shower gel and started putting it on my body. When he was done, he kissed me and we got out. We got dressed and watched a movie. It was now 5 pm and Grayson left to start getting ready. I was looking through my closet to see if I had something nice to wear. I decided to wear a simple black dress. (picture above)

I then curled my hair a little bit and put on some makeup. We could see my baby bump a little bit it wasn't that bad. I put on my favourite black heels and went downstairs to eat a little bit. After my little snack, it was 8 pm. I sat on the couch and waited for my fiancé. He arrived at 8:20. I got in the car and kissed his cheek.

"Babe you look hot" He said.

"You do too" I laughed.

We left and got to the party. We weren't even in the house and I could already smell the alcohol. We got in and the music was really loud.

"I'm gonna go get us something to drink" Grayson tried to yell over the music.

I nodded and saw Olivia and I was about to walk to her when I saw she was occupied. She was full on making out with Ethan. I laughed and started looking for Grayson. I finally found him with two cups in his hands, and I think he was looking for me.

"Hey babe I'm here" I was next to him.

"Oh hey, I got you some beer" He smiled.

"Thanks" I kissed him.

He told me he was gonna go with his friends so I went back to Olivia and luckily she wasn't with Ethan anymore.

"Hey" I smiled at her.

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