Instead of reading stories this morning I decided to clean my room and well I've been sleeping in a room full of dust, a LOT of dust.
I cleaned up all my clothes and stuff off the floor and dusted my shelves and then onto my Lego Models, I had to clean, The Ghost, The Phantom, The Malevolence, All my Marvel and DC models (10 in total) and I still have 10 Star Wars models to clean *sighs* all for £5 towards X-mas presents, in all honesty I've been screwed over.
It's 3 days *sneezes* until the Force Awakens is released in the UK and Aus so that's super exciting but IF it sucks I have to put my faith in Rogue *sneezes* One to be decent, but if Cad Bane and Boba Fett aren't in it I probably won't watch it, unless Bossk and *coughs* Dengar are in it, I'd love to see more Dengar he was only in ESB for like 20 seconds and was only in 1 episode of Clone Wars and Bossk is just awesome. Anyway I'm *sneezes* going to go *coughs* dammit I can't stop *sneezes* sneezing and coughing now, anyway I'm going to finish cleaning my Star Wars models, see ya later friends
Ethan Out