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~ Erwin's POV ~

I watched as (Y/N) wisked around her room grabbing clothes we provided from a the wooden dresser and shove them into a messanger bag. I was tranfixed on her, that was until I realized what she was doing.

"What are you doing." 

It wasnt a question, I already knew what she was doing. 

Leaving, and I couldnt have her do that anytime soon.

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

I ignored eyebrows comment, continuing to throw extra clothing into the bag. I'd have to go for food in the canteen soon, I thought as i made extra space in the bag. I buckled the bag shut as I took one last look around the room before turning around to the the man in my door frame. I looked at him, my face still void of emotion, I raked my eyes over his body. His face was stiff, that was until I make contact with his baby blue eyes that seemed to soften to the look of mine, his body was muscular and his shoulders broad supporting his frame. His arms were hanging at his sides and he seemed more relaxed in my presence than his comrads and trainees. He was quite handsome to be honest, I snapped out of my trance and my muscles stiffened as he made his way towards me. 

~ Levi's POV ~

I knew what she was doing, she was going to leave. She saw me here, more relaxed and she saw it as my surrender to the world above the ground. I had a bad feeling as I tracked my way to her room and saw the door slightly open, was she already gone? I pressed my hand to the wooden door whipping it open and hearing the creek of the hinges as my eyes layed upon the sight before me as I stopped in my tracks.

(Y/n) was pressed up against the wall Erwin's body keeping her in place as she glared daggers at the man holding her captive.

He was staring at her, he was staring at MY (y/n).


Welp there is some conflict now............ Oops 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter I apologize for the shortness of it, I forgot all about this story to be honest but I'm Back!!!!        <(O~O)> 

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