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~Levi's POV~

I had been in the survey corps for three and a half years now, with Isabel and Farlen gone I'm not sure what to do with myself. The only thing to do was paperwork, just lots and lots of paperwork. My mind drifts off sometimes when I'm working late nights, usually it would wander to (y/n) I wondered how she was holding up, fending for herself in the underground. She was the only one not taken from Commander Eyebrows' squad, she was my partner in crime, we were both assassins for the people of the underground. Commonly referred to a 'The Duke and Duchess' we took care of people, but for a price. I just wish I could know how (y/n) was doing, she was like a sister to me.

~ Flashback ~

After receiving the anonymous letter (y/n) had gotten curious, Levi and herself had called in Farlen and Isabel for backup not knowing what they were facing.

Castle was a club; a noisy, stinking, drunken club. It was the annual meeting place for 'The Duke and Duchesses' costumers. (Y/n) usually worked there as a waitress so it was the easiest spot to meet their 'costumers' because (y/n) knew everyone there. Dressed in 3dmg and white stainless shirts 'the Duke and Duchess' walked through the door, as everyone's heads turned in their direction (y/n) and Levi made their way to the bar before the music continued and everyone went back to dancing and drinking.
The bartender looked nervous, adding on to our suspicion as we walked into the clients room at the back of the bar.
At the seat of the table sat a man cloaked in green, he had a large body build making both (y/n) and I look at each other in suspicion and confusion. "Well, I see you finally came. Honestly I thought you two wouldn't show up." His voice was deep, and how he talked made (y/n)'s hand twitch to her blades, narrowing her (e/c) eyes at the strange man. The door slammed behind us, making our heads whip around to see a man also in green. He had sandy hair and looked as if he hadn't shaved in a few weeks. "Mike, restrain them." The man at the table nodded to his so called partner Mike. (Y/n) moved her hands from her 3dmg to her switchblade in her back pocket of her trousers, stepping in front of me she drew her blade. "Survey Corps" (y/n) hissed, glaring daggers at the two men in front of her, not backing down. I yelled out for Isabel and Farlen and (y/n) and I crashed into the smaller window, breaking it to shards and jumping out into the street. With a few cuts and scrapes (y/n) and I deployed our 3dmg and zipped off into the dark streets.

~ Levi's POV ~
A knock sounded at my door snapping me from my thoughts. Grumpily I spoke "State your name and business." Without a response my door opened to reveal who would have guessed? The one and only Captain Eyebrows. "Tch, what have said about knocking." I rubbed my temples trying to massage the migraine I was having.  "Levi, we went after (y/n)" at this news I froze, (y/n)? I slammed my hands down on the table as I stood, "you did, WHAT?!" My anger boiled inside of me, I was about to blow. "She's in the cells, you know it was a lot like when we first had to fight you." With that the commander turned on his heel massaging the bruise he had earned on his jaw. Levi slumped in his chair, 'not (y/n) too, please not (y/n).'

So this character is pretty badass and is basically Levi's sister. I just had this story Pop into my head and it's grown from there so yeah, bye bye!!

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